You Don't Need a Portfolio

How to land clients without one

When I was a new copywriter

(Back in 2019)

I saw people preaching nonstop:

“Build your portfolio!”

“Build your portfolio!”

“Build your portfolio!”

And, it made sense. If you don’t have any proof that you know what you’re doing, no one’s going to hand you their hard earned cash to write copy.

You’ve gotta show something, right?

And in 2025, they’re still going at it:

“It’s all about your portfolio.”

Put together a bunch of copy samples and spec work.

Show it to prospects.

Boom. Get paid.

And you know what?

Those portfolio preachers weren’t wrong. What they taught was true.

But it wasn’t optimal.

You see, when you’re new, you’ve got to show business owners that you’re a good investment.

Why would they dump thousands of sweet, crisp Benjamins on a copywriter?

Because they believe if they put $1,000 in, they’re going to get $3,000, $5,000, or $10,000 back.

That’s your job as a copywriter: When people pay you money, you generate them a LOT more than they paid you.

So you need to show them evidence you can do this. A copy sample is a good place to start.

But, there’s a better place to start.

It’s not a portfolio.

It’s not a result.

It’s not a case study.

So what is it?


The best way to showcase you know what you’re doing is to give helpful, strategic advice to prospects.

How do you do this?

It’s so simple:

Check out their website, their emails, their ads, and any copy you specialize in.

Write down what they’re doing wrong and what they should improve.


Give it to them.

A portfolio is good because it shows potential that you could help them.

Consulting is better because there aren’t any “coulds.”

No ifs.

No maybes.

You just help them.

Giving prospects an audit for free works so well because you can’t fake it. You can fake a portfolio piece or a sample or a result.

But you can’t fake actual good advice given custom-tailored to an individual prospect.

It’s far superior to a random portfolio piece.

So next time you’ve got an hour of “client-getting” time and you’re not sure where to start…

Start by giving your prospect a free audit.

That’s what the 40+ copywriters I taught did who landed a client within 30 days.

They gave upfront value as a consultant. And later got paid as a copywriter.

…Without having to show a portfolio.

Now it’s your turn to do the same.


Maybe you’re not sure how to do a prospect audit to land them as a client?

-Brandon “no portfolio” Storey

P.S. I just landed a new copy client 3 weeks ago using this strategy (and she never asked for my portfolio).


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