Work For Free (To Get Rich)

Here's why...

I make six figures as a copywriter.

But, I didn’t start that way.

5 years ago, I started by writing $10-$20 blog posts on Fiverr.

Hardly enough to take my wife out to McDonald’s for a Big Mac meal.

I worked for super cheap at first. And so should you.

You might be thinking, But other gurus say “Never work for free, it devalues you, it’s a waste of time, it’ll keep you poor, you need to charge what you’re worth…”

Well, respectfully, they’re wrong :)

Here’s why:

1. Proof

The first is something I talk about a lot.

You can’t land clients without proof.

Try landing a $2-5k/month client when you’re brand new.

You know what they’re going to say?

“Show me what you’ve done before.”

You’re only worth thousands if you’ve proven you can generate thousands for business owners.

So until you have that proof, be willing to work for $0.

They’re not going to blindly hand over thousands of dollars to a brand new writer.

They want proof.

This means showing:

  • Your portfolio

  • Results you’ve gotten

  • Testimonials from happy clients

And ideally, all of the above in a nicely packaged case study.

When you’re new, your goal shouldn’t be to land that high-ticket client that’s going to let you quit your day job.

Your goal should be to build up case studies at all costs.

This means working for free or dirt cheap if you have to.

I spent months writing cheap blog posts because I knew the proof I’d generate with testimonials, samples, and results would help me land higher paying clients.

And it did.

By month 7 I was making $5,000/month.

And one year after I started, I was earning $100,000/year.

Get proof first.

Then get high-ticket clients.

2. Work Experience

Copywriting books and writing random samples can only take you so far.

Yes, you should be reading copywriting books daily.

Yes, you should be handwriting sales letters daily.

Yes, you should be writing new copy daily.

But, nothing beats getting in the trenches with real clients, working on real projects, and writing real copy.

You’ll grow exponentially both in the skill of copy…

But also in all the other things you don’t think about, like:

  • Managing clients

  • Communicating with clients

  • Time management

  • Proper research

  • Working through revisions

  • Collaborating with designers, project managers, etc.

  • Working in software (i.e. email marketing tools, CMS, etc.)

  • And more

Work experience will grow you more than anything as a new copywriter.

Even if it’s a free client.

3. Confidence

There’s one more thing…

Something that’s not so tangible…

But crucial.

The mental mind games you go through as a new copywriter are often unspoken.

Imposter syndrome is at an all-time high when you first start trying to land clients.

It’s terrifying reaching out to clients for the first time.

Trying to get on that call.

And making an offer.

But, every time you work with a new client, you gain new levels of confidence.

Even better, getting positive feedback on your work is invaluable when you’re new.

I remember when I got my first 5-star review on Fiverr.

It was my first client, and it blew me away.

I only made like $15 off that blog post.

But, the confidence I gained from that moment is worth thousands to me.


Too many new copywriters are proud and impatient.

They want their money and they want it now.

Don’t be like them.

Instead, humble yourself.

And, focus on the long term.

Focus on what you’re building.

You know Alex Hormozi? The one hundred million dollar man?

He started his first business as a fitness coach by training five guys for free…

For 3 months.

Don’t listen to me. Listen to the guy on pace to be a billionaire in the next 5 years.

Alex Hormozi worked for FREE FOR 3 MONTHS.

Most people aren’t willing to work for free for a single client for a week.

At the end of the 3 months, Hormozi said to his free clients, “If you guys liked this and want to continue, start paying me.”

They ALL said yes (because he was good at what he did and generated proof).

3 months of free work turned into five juicy case studies with results. He got to full-time “instantly”… in 3 months.

You need to adopt that same mentality.

Go reach out to your friends, family and co-workers today.

Provide value up front. Audit their businesses for free. Give them a free sample before you even make a pitch.

Then, if they’re interested, pitch them for free in exchange for a testimonial.

Build up 3 case studies proving you’re worth thousands of dollars per month.

Then use those case studies to get to full-time.

-Brandon “free = $$$$$” Storey

P.S. My August 1:1 writing mentorship and my new group coaching programs are full now (but I’m opening up my waitlists for September soon).

If you’re wanting help to fast-track to $5,000-$10,000 per month…

Reply “September” (for more information on my upcoming programs).


or to participate.