I Used to Hate Writing

How I fell in love with it (and quit my job).

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2019: My wife Jenny and I Ieaving Vancouver airport to live in Thailand for 10 months.

2019 was the year I took the leap.

Digital writer.

Full Time.


But, I used to HATE writing.

I despised it.


It's simple:


It sucked the life and creativity out of me.

I’m sure you feel the same way.

  • They made writing painful

  • They made it boring

  • They made it die

Random essays.

Confusing words.

No flex room or creativity.

Shakespeare? What?

Do this.

Don’t do that.

Where was the creative freedom?

Instead, we got boring, dull, academic writing.

But, why? For who?

Most people can’t stand reading high-level academic writing.

The average person reads at a seventh-grade level.

Even newspapers are written at a fifth-grade level.

And… for good reason.

Writing for school sucks.


Writing for people is amazing.

I hated writing in school.

But, something inside of me loved it.

I just didn’t know it.

So, when I finally decided I was going to start an online business.

And I got to the drawing board.

Digital writing was one of my business ideas.


Dropshipping sounded cooler.

Web development sounded cooler.

Heck, even bookkeeping sounded cooler.

So I took my shot at those.

And failed.



It wasn’t until I was desperate, hopeless…

…and soon to be jobless––on a one-way ticket to Australia…

That I finally gave it a chance.

I couldn’t believe I was bringing myself to it.


Just the thought of it made me flashback to falling asleep in my high school English class.

But, then…

I found copywriting.

I found persuasive writing.

I found content writing.

Digital writing.

It sparked my curiosity.

Especially when those copy nerds spoke about earning thousands of dollars per month.


I was confused.

I thought making a living as a writer was just for prolific authors like J.K. Rowling and Stephen King.

Despite this, I gave it a shot.

If there was even the SLIGHTEST chance I’d be able to finally ditch my toxic day job and be able to work from my laptop…

It was worth giving copywriting a shot.

Nothing else worked so far, so what’s the harm in trying something else?

So I went for it.

  • I read the books

  • I took the courses

  • I started writing daily

And you know what?

I still didn’t really like it at first.

It took me a few weeks to stop despising it.

Maybe I was still "unlearning" all the garbage from English class.

Maybe I was scared of what would be revealed from my life as I began to release words onto paper.

Maybe it was even the thought of too much power?

The thought of being an individual.

Of being free?

I silenced the noise.

And still stuck with it.

Around the 3 week mark, something changed...

I started to like it.

Not a lot.

But enough.

Was it now a habit?

Or did I actually enjoy it?

You know what I think?

I think I actually liked writing all along.

But my creativity was caged sitting in a mind-numbing school for 13 years straight.

I just had to give it another chance.

And it worked.

This thing I thought I hated…

I didn’t actually hate.

I just hated the way I was taught it.

I had a misguided view on it.

And it took looking at the skill for myself.

And choosing to learn this thing on my own terms…

That finally cracked open my creativity.

Allowing me to step into a career I loved… And one that gave me the freedom I was always after.

If you’re feeling stuck.

If you’re unsure of your skill.

If you’re thinking of throwing in the towel.




Give yourself another two weeks.

Write every day.

Do it for 30 minutes straight.

If you’re serious about working online.

And becoming a digital writer.

To gain more time, money, and location independence…

You’ve got to tap into your creativity.

And there's only one way to do this...

You have to create.

Most people go through the motions.

Day after day.

Month after month.

Year after year.

And they never give their creativity a chance to fly free.

They throw in the towel when things get tough.

They get scared of what’s on the other side.

They quit––never reaching their potential.

Let me tell you this…

The other side?

It’s beautiful.

It's peaceful.

It's real.

If you want to live a life of freedom and autonomy...

And take back control of your life…

You’ve got to give yourself a chance.

  • Even if you’re a new writer

  • Even if English is your second language

  • Even if you’ve never made a dollar online

There’s no better time to become a digital writer than right now.

Today, grab your laptop.

Open up a Google Doc.

And just write.

Set a timer for 30 minutes.

Don’t hit backspace.

Don’t stop to think about what to write.

Just write with no agenda other than to simply WRITE.

Do this every single day for one month.

And watch what happens.

-Brandon “From hate to love” Storey

P.S. My June mentorship is now closed (all 4 spots were filled).

But, if you want more tips to gain digital freedom with writing, follow me on X (Twitter) for daily insights.


or to participate.