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  • Trudeau’s out, Tate for UK Prime Minister

Trudeau’s out, Tate for UK Prime Minister

How to leverage the news to write juicy copy

What’s all this about, bruv?


Have you heard the news?

Justin Trudeau just filed his resignation as Canadian Prime Minister.

After 10 years.

And after being statistically, the least popular Canadian Prime Minister in history.

He’s had the 2nd lowest approval rating in Canadian history at 22% (Dec 2024).

And when he was re-elected in 2021, he got only 32.2 per cent of the popular vote (that means 67.8 per cent of Canadians didn’t vote for him) — the WORST win in Canadian history.

So most Canadians are glad Justin is just out.

Oh, and a side note — Andrew Tate is now running for UK Prime Minister.


The times we’re living in…

So, why am I telling you this?

Because you can learn a lot about becoming a better copywriter from the news.

So, keep reading…

…As I’ve got two powerful news-infused copy tactics you can start using today to juice up your copy:

Tip #1: If you want to master headline copy, start studying news headlines

Those news headline copywriters are some of the best copywriters in the world.

Just look at some of these from the ‘Trudeau quits’ fiasco:

“Justin Trudeau Quits as Controversial Canadian Prime Minister Admits to 'Internal Battles' Following Brutal Polls and Harassment”

“Trump Trolls Trudeau as Canada PM Announces Resignation”

“Justin Trudeau podium papers blown away before resignation speech"

This one from Dairy Queen gave me a pretty good chuckle. I had to show the picture too…

“From $2 resignation burgers to relief: British Columbians react to Trudeau resignation”

Now that’s one way to leverage the news to market your products…

I’m honestly surprised no one pulled a headline like this off with the potential name word play:

“JUST IN: Justin Is Just Out”


What’s the second thing you can learn from the news to write juicy, high-converting copy?

Tip #2: Leverage the actual news to hook people

Look what I did with this email.

I’m taking a recent news story.

And using it as a hook to get you to read this email.

The thing is…

My goal with this email newsletter isn’t to talk about politics.

It’s to make you a copywriter who consistently earns $5,000-$10,000 per month from your laptop.

But, I know how humans are wired because I’ve been studying copywriting, human psychology for the past six years as a copywriter.

The news gets our attention like magic — it’s biological

It’s a survival mechanism.

We want to know what’s happening to ensure we stay safe and out of harm’s way.

In fact, it’s the first rule of Drew Whitman’s ‘Life Force 8’ from top copywriting book, Cashvertising:

#1: “Survival, Enjoyment of Life, Life Extension”

This biological need naturally draws us to have to know what’s NEW.

We have to scratch that itch.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to share news headlines to get your audience’s attention.

You can also just show something new.

This biological respons is why the word “new” is a power word.

  • “New and Improved xxx”

  • “Get the All New x, y, z”
    “Doctors discovered a new formula…”

People love the “new thing.”

Quick recap:

1. Study news headlines to write better headline copy

2a. Leverage news to hook people into your copy

2b. Leverage the power of “new” often in your copy

Speaking of news…

My Sniper Bomb Workshop is coming up in 10 days.

In it, you’ll learn the same step-by-step system my students are using to land their first client in 30 days (without cold emails or aggressive sales calls).

Only 3 more earlybird bonus tickets to get 50% off and a $50 copy critique for free.

Brandon “extra, extra, read all about it” Storey

P.S. As a bonus for getting a ticket to the live training, you’ll get the workshop recording for life  and a Google Doc with the complete step-by-step strategy to reference as you outreach to land your first client in 30 days.

Comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.


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