The "T" Word

Do you have it?

I tried 5 businesses before copywriting:

  • Dropshipping (surprise, surprise)

  • Bookkeeping (weird, right?)

  • Web development (hated it)

  • Sales (thought this was my ticket out)

  • Service arbitrage (think dropshipping but for service businesses)

What was the common denominator between these 5?

I could do them all online.

I knew that building any of these up would give me the freedom I was after:

The ability to wake up on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday…


Instead of getting dressed and driving in my car for a 1 hour commute to a dull office building…

I could be chilling at my laptop on my couch in just my boxers

Sorry for that visual.

But it’s what I wanted.

Although I do like to wear clothes…

Just the thought that NO one could tell me what to do.

When to do it.

Where to do it.

How to do it.

That was what I was after.

But, lo and behold, those 5 paths didn’t work out for me.

I tried 5 businesses in 5 years.

And I failed at them all.

But why?

Were they bad business models?

Compared to copywriting, yes.

But, I could have succeeded with any of them.

So why didn’t I?

Because of one core skill you MUST possess to succeed online…


Webster’s defines tenacity as “mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship.”

In other words…

If you don’t have the mental strength to resist (and overcome) opposition, you’re screwed.

You’ll never win online.


Because building an online business (no matter which one) is hard.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

And I failed at the first 5 because I didn’t have tenacity.

I was weak, mentally.

When you build an online business, including copywriting, you’re faced with endless opposition

  • Comfort

  • Hanging out with friends

  • Netflix

  • Video games

  • Your friends who don’t understand

  • Your family who doesn’t understand

  • Your boss (and his endless demands)

  • Social media scrolling

  • Algorithms designed to distract you

  • 500 new business ideas that (aka shiny object syndrome)

  • Hunger

  • Tiredness

  • Your “Snooze” button

  • Weak wifi

  • Old technology and tools

  • Distractions in your room, house, neighborhood

  • Bad content, courses, and coaching online

  • A just that’s just comfortable enough to keep you there (but not uncomfortable enough to make you change your life)

  • The hardship of working daily without tangible results for weeks or months

  • And many more

This isn’t easy.

And if you don’t have tenacity, you’re going to fail.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best online business model in front of you (hint hint: it’s copywriting).

Without tenacity, you’ll give up after 3 months.

You’ll say “it didn’t work, AI is taking over, copywriting is saturated, blah blah blah”

And then you’ll move onto the next shiny object with high hopes that “THIS IS THE ONE!”

But, guess what?

It isn’t.

And 3 months later when Stranger Things or the latest Adam Sandler movie gets featured by Netflix…

And your friends are asking if you’re going to bail on them for the 5th time in a row…

And you sent your 47th outreach this week and still haven’t made your first dollar online…

Guess what you’ll do?


And move onto the next shiny object.

How do I know this is the way it goes with the online business world?

Because this was me.

I lived this life for 5 years.

And you know what?

It sucked.

It sucked to see my friends and family roll their eyes at my “latest business idea” only to tell them of another one 3 months later.

It sucked to see all the people online crushing it, hitting $10k months, handing in their two weeks’ notice, and getting the life of their dreams (while I still had no clue how they’re doing it).

It sucked to see another year go by knowing the clock is ticking and my 20s were being wasted, my parents were getting older, and my time to make it happen was running out.

So, I did something about it.

I built the skill of tenacity.


Through desire.

Writing my goals down every day.

And focusing on the result of achieving those goals (and the consequences of not achieving those goals).

I’m not talking about getting too weird with visualization or “manifestation.”

I just became so hyper focused on my goals so distractions weren’t distractions anymore.

Saying “no” became as easy as eating a slice of pepperoni pizza.

If you’re wondering why you still haven’t made it happen after months (or even years) of trying to build an online business, you’ve gotta ask yourself:

Do I really want it?

Or do I just “kind of” want it?

That’s what I had to do.

And when I made the choice to go all in, it’s because that desire reached a point where inaction and inconsistencies couldn’t exist anymore.

If you’re ready to go all in on your dream life — more free time to do what you love, travel where you want, spend time doing what you want, and making more money than you’ve ever made…

But you’d rather not walk this road alone — and want to double your odds of success this year…

Then my copywriting coaching might be the right fit for you.

I don’t accept anyone and everyone who applies.

I don’t have endless spots.

And this isn’t cheap.

But, it works.

I’ve helped over 40+ new copywriters land their first paid client in 30 days

And helped dozens more reach a full time income in months (not years).

So, if you want to see results fast, then reply with the word “tenacity” now.

One of the best ways to build tenacity in your own life is to get around people who have gone where you want to go, have done what you want to do, and have that tenacity that you want to possess.

I built a six-figure copywriting business in one year.

And transformed my life — a large part because of the time and money I invested in myself and my copywriting business.

If you don’t want to wait around for another 6 months while other copywriters quit their jobs, hit $5,000-$10,000 months, and build their dream life…

Then reach out now.

My programs are full now but I’ve got a few spots for April.

You can reserve your spot now.

-Brandon “tenacious” Storey

P.S. I’ve had 14+ inquiries in the past few days, so don’t wait if you’re thinking of joining. Reply with “tenacity” now for more information on my coaching programs.


or to participate.