The Best Copywriting Niche in 2025?

And only one course preorder bonus left (last chance for early access, copy critique)

Pre-P.S. For my upcoming copywriting course, there are only 16/40 preorder discounts left. And 1/25 bonuses left (early access and copy critique).

If you haven’t joined my course waitlist yet, join now so you don’t miss out on the bonuses.

New copywriters ask me the same question all the time:

“What niche should I go into?”

And honestly, I try to NOT recommend a specific niche most of the time.


Because your ideal niche isn’t going to be the same as someone else’s.

There are 3 things to consider when picking your niche:

  1. Market Demand

  2. Your Unfair Advantage

  3. Your Passion

If people are spending money in it, you have expertise in it, and you’re passionate about it…

Congratulations. You’ve found your golden niche opportunity.

But, what if you’re clueless?

I’m not one to persuade people into a specific niche, but as time goes on, it’s hard to ignore THIS particular niche (since a massive wave of demand is coming in — and is already here).

So, what’s the juicy niche I’m talking about?

I’ll share in just one second.

But first, take a look at this insane stat (Alex Hormozi recently shared):

Every year the U.S. university market is dropping by $50 billion.






That’s a massive chunk of money draining out of colleges and universities. And, this has been happening for years.

But, where’s the money going?

Do people not want education anymore?

Is it because of inflation? Economic troubles?

Are people draining their college funds to purchase four-figure Taylor Swift tickets?


Do people still want education, but they’re putting their money into a different avenue?

Well, according to the data, the money is still going towards education.

Just not the formal, institutionalized kind.

Here’s another stat for you which will add some clarity…

There’s another market growing by almost the same amount that the university market is shrinking by.

Every year it’s increasing by $40 billion dollars.

Any guesses?

The online education market.

So $50 billion is leaving universities and $40 billion is going into online education every year.

This means there’s going to be a crossover point in the next 5-10 years where people spend more money on online education than university.


So, where’s the $40 billion dollar opportunity here as a copywriter?

Info products.

This means coaches, courses, consultants, events, digital products, books, and just about any kind of information that can be purchased.

Here’s the thing — it’s not so much of a niche as it is a product type though:

  • You could target info products in the health space by writing copy for nutrition course creators

  • You could target info products in the personal finance space by writing copy for investing ebook authors

  • You could target dating coaches who offer 1:1 programs or maybe even an app

People don’t just buy in health, wealth, and relationships though. They buy knowledge in all sorts of areas - like parenting, sports, hobbies, and more.

So, if you’re wanting to tap into a “money niche” that ain’t slowing down anytime soon, you may want to consider writing copy for info products and services like coaching and courses.

And, speaking of courses… my brand new copywriting course drops October 29 (18 days from now).

If you’re struggling to figure out how to make money online…

Or, you’re a new copywriter but are confused about what steps you should take to turn this into a real business…

Or, you’re wanting to go down this path but you aren’t confident in your writing…

Or, maybe you’ve got your writing up to speed but just can’t figure out how to land clients…

Then you’ll want to pay attention (that is, if your goal is to be your own boss, have more free time, or make more money):

In my upcoming copywriting course, you’ll learn everything you need to get your first $5,000 month as a copywriter in 3-6 months (even if you’re brand new).

In the step-by-step video-based course, you’ll get:

  • “4-Phase Fastlane to $100,000” to fast-track your progress as a freelance copywriter (master copy, landing clients, client management, and the secrets to scaling to six figures) without needing any previous copy or business experience

  • “30-Day Copy Mastery Method” to go from zero copywriting knowledge to good enough to land clients in weeks (even if you think you’re a bad writer)

  • NEW “Sniper Bomb Outreach System” that has gotten 25+ new copywriters their first paid client in just one month (without sending any cold emails/DMs, needing a portfolio, or aggressive sales calls)

  • Over $687 Worth of Bonuses including easy plug-and-play copy templates, Copy Optimizer Checklist, 101 Copy Power Words, Copy Breakdown Bundle, Q&A recordings from my group coaching program, and more

…All taught from someone who went from knowing nothing about copywriting all the way to becoming a six-figure copywriter in just one year…

…And over the past few years, has generated over $1 million in revenue for copywriting clients and earned over $500,000 in personal income in the process (hint: it’s me).

Plus, my system doesn’t just work for me. I’ve helped 25+ new copywriters land their first paid client in just one month.

By joining the waitlist you get access to a bunch of preorder bonuses (but they won’t be available for long):

The first 40 people who preorder get 40% off (so you can get it for just $147 $247 ) 
[Only 16/40 left]

The first 25 people who preorder get early access (Oct 24) and a copy critique from me
[Only 1/25 left!]

The first 10 people who preorder get a bonus 1:1 coaching call with me
[10/10 SOLD OUT]

So, if you’ve been looking for a way to get out of your 9 to 5, create a lifelong skill you can use to earn great money from your laptop, and live life on your terms…

-Brandon “now those are some juicy discounts and bonuses” Storey

P.S. There are only 16/40 discount codes left and only 1/25 early access + copy critique bonus left, so get on the waitlist if you don’t want to miss out.


or to participate.