Sneak Peek of My New Course

Six Figure Writer: 8 Ways to Land Writing Clients Fast

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Did you know…

I’ve been working on a not-so secret project?

At the beginning of April, I asked everyone on Twitter what kind of guide they’d like me to create for them.

The results were overwhelmingly in favor of showing off the different ways I’ve landed clients over the years.

So, for the past few weeks I’ve been building a juicy course all about it:

It’s called Six Figure Writer: 8 Proven Ways to Land Writing Clients Fast.

While I’m tempted to release this course as a paid product for $59, I want to reach more people and help more people, so I’m giving it away for FREE this week.

Don’t worry, since you’re on my email list, you’ll be the first to hear about it.

And, as a bonus for being a loyal subscriber, I’m giving you a sneak peek of the guide right now: with the first chapter.

Keep in mind, I’ll be releasing this as a text-based course in Notion, but you’ll also have access to a video-walkthrough of the course (and an audiobook) so you can get the most out of it in a few different formats.

Without further ado, here’s your sneak peek of Six Figure Writer.

Part One: Hot Outreach.

Want to know the fastest way to land a paid client?

Here it is…

Drumroll please…

Are you ready to start making money?

To finally land that juicy, paid client for the first time?

Then here’s what you’re going to do:

  • Get off of Twitter

  • Close your laptop

  • Turn off your phone


Because you don’t need the internet with this method.

Where are you going to go?

To your current network:

  • Friends

  • Family

  • Co-workers

Not the answer you were looking for?

Too bad.

It’s the answer you need to hear.

The fastest way you will ever land a copywriting or ghostwriting client isn’t on Money X or anywhere on the internet.

The fastest path to landing a paid client isn’t approaching strangers online.

It’s approaching your friends and family.

Why does it work so good?

Because your lack of experience as a new writer is overshadowed by the trust you’ve built with your friends and family.

Read that again.

The trust and relationships you’ve built matter more than your skill.


If you love pizza (like me) and one of your friends opens up a pizza shop…

Where are you going to buy your next pizza from?

  • Dominos?

  • Papa John’s?

  • Pizza Hut?

  • Your local hip, pizza shop that’s way better than those guys?


You’re going to go to your friend’s pizza shop.


  1. You know the owner.

  2. You want to help support him because he’s your friend.

The same principles apply to pitching writing jobs.

People who you know already TRUST YOU (hopefully).

To land clients you need to prove you’re competent and that you’re trustworthy.

Your trustworthiness will make up for your lack of experience, enabling you to land a client faster than anyone you know.

HOT OUTREACH in Australia

HOT outreach is how I landed a few clients in my first year as a copywriter (back in 2019).

First… in Australia.

In June 2019, I was traveling through Australia with my wife. We had just quit our jobs and left Canada to go adventure now that we were working online. So, we did a campervan trip up the east coast and met up with some of my wife’s old friends in Townsville (in Northeastern Queensland).

They were running two businesses: a photography business and a digital product business at the time and asked me what I did. I told them I do copywriting and they asked if I could help them get more business. So, I helped them out.

They hired me and I got paid a few hundred dollars for some website copy and an Etsy product page.

HOT OUTREACH in Thailand

A few months later, I landed my biggest client in that first year as a copywriter.

After Australia, my wife and I travelled to Chiang Mai, Thailand for about a year while I built up my writing business. I met a guy there who ran an ecommerce business and we became friends.

He found out I was an email copywriter, so he asked if I could audit his email strategy and give him some tips. So, I helped him out (not expecting that he wanted to hire me)…

Well, turns out my friend liked the audit and wanted me to do some emails for him.

Next thing you know, I landed him for $7,000.

And that was just for a one-off project: a welcome email series.

The results from the emails started coming and he liked them, so he ended up hiring me. I had him as a client on retainer for about 3 years after that and is still one of my biggest clients to date.


I’m not the only one landing clients with hot outreach.

This is how my mentorship student landed his first client on day 31:

In addition to my warm outreach approach (which I’ll cover in Part Two of my upcoming guide)…

I asked him to reach out to his current network.

Turns out he knew someone with a construction company.

The guy needed better website copy.

Even though my mentorship student is an email copywriter in a completely different niche, I told him to reach out.

The prospect was outside his niche. And outside his specialty.

But, the prospect was inside his network.

So, what happened?

He landed the client for ~$375 USD.

Since then, he got a second offer from the guy to do even more copywriting — this time, for Google Ads.


Hot outreach is how another writer who’s following me on X landed his first client.

I put out a video on X talking about how you can land a client in 48 hours by reaching out to your friends, family, and co-workers.

This writer listened to my advice and…


He got his first PAID ghostwriting client.

Don’t overlook the power of your current network.

I know you want to make money online, but you will land a client faster offline.

If you’re serious about quitting your job and reaching $5-10k+ per month as a copywriter or ghostwriter…

You’ll do whatever it takes to land clients. Especially early on when landing that first client is the biggest mountain you’ll climb on your journey to full time.

Hot outreach is the fastest path to getting:

  • Paid work

  • Results

  • Samples

  • Testimonials

  • Case studies

  • Work experience

Don’t be shy. Go be helpful to the people who already know you and trust you.

It could turn into $5k+/month before you know it.


👉 Pitch Your Friends, Family, & Co-workers

Okay, it’s time to walk on over to your friends’ and families’ homes to let them know you can write for them.

Once you’ve done that, you can get your phone.

Go to your contact list in your phone.

Ask yourself, “Does this person own a business?”

Or, “Are they growing a social following?”

If they do either, write their name down.

Then, reach out.

You’re probably wondering, “How do I reach out? What should I say?”

My advice?

Go audit their website and their copy.

Write down a ton of tips on how they can improve it. Then go write a free sample for them implementing those tips. Then, simply give it to them and ask them if they could use some more help with their copy.

Then, ask for a testimonial and referrals.

I’ll go more into details in this strategy in Part Two of Six Figure Writer: Warm Outreach.

It’s a simple, yet effective strategy.

Don’t overcomplicate things.

Go do what works and get a quick win.

-Brandon “Go hot before you go cold” Storey

P.S. I filled all four of my mentorship spots for May already, which means I’m not taking on any more 1:1 students for May.

But, if you need extra help NOW, I’m offering a single paid coaching call to four writers.

In the call, I’ll analyze your current situation, challenges, and roadblocks with writing or with landing clients.

And, if you want to review your copy live with me during the call, I’ll walk you through a complete optimization. A live optimization during a call is how my mentorship student Chase landed his first client.

During the call, I’ll give you a roadmap to accelerate you to full-time, personalized to you.

For a limited time, you’ll get full access to my 5 year experience as a copywriter who’s generated nearly half a million with writing.

And, I’m giving you 90 minutes for the same price as a 60 minute call.

And, as a FREE bonus, I’ll also audit and optimize 2 pieces of copy for you.

I’ll send you a personalized Loom video:

  • Breaking down your copy

  • Giving you tips on how to improve it

  • Teaching you why you should make those changes

All to help you write copy that attracts and retains clients.

If you’re interested, reply to me with the word “coaching call” now.

Only doing four of these individual calls as I have limited time with my current writing and mentorship students in May.

I don’t expect them these four calls to be available for long, so reply to this email now if you’re interested.

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