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  • 3 Challenges I Overcame to Hit Six Figures

3 Challenges I Overcame to Hit Six Figures

Most people screw up the third one.

3 secrets about me…

You probably didn’t know.

All about my struggles as a new copywriter.

I had to overcome A LOT on my journey to six figures.

Here are 3 giants you’ll have to slay…

If you want to build up a six-figure copywriting business from your laptop.

Let’s start with #1, the most important:

1. I Hated Writing

I’m not a lifelong writer.

I didn’t enjoy English class.

I got a B in it.

School made me despise writing.

I also wasn’t reading books all the time.

I’m not the kind of guy who always wrote for fun or kept a journal.

I wrote when I HAD to… And it was always a pain.

So, when I came across copywriting, I was naturally hesitant.

But, I decided to give it a shot because I wanted something copywriting would give me:


So, I dove in.

Guess what happened?

The more I wrote, the more I liked it.

Eventually, I realized I loved writing all along.

I just hated the way school taught it.

But, it took me weeks of forcing myself to write to unlock that self awareness.

Just because you aren’t falling head over heels for writing yet doesn’t mean you should just throw in the towel. Give yourself time. Challenge yourself to write a minimum of 30 minutes per day for the next 30 days and then see how you feel.

2. I Almost Ran Out of Money

I landed my first client in 6 weeks.

Two weeks later, I quit my day job.


After I got a taste of what was possible with internet money, it was impossible to stay content in my day job…

Knowing I could be building a better life for me and my wife with writing.

I probably pulled the trigger too early.

But, we already had a one-way flight booked to Australia and Thailand.

So we had to go.

The only thing is, right before we left, we were hit with an unexpected bill.


Out of nowhere.

It shortened our timeframe to figure things out.

We didn’t have our day jobs anymore. We were strictly living off about $1,000/month from writing at this point.

And we were running out of time.

We had some savings, but ended up diving into our credit cards (which I don’t recommend).

It took months of making ~$1,000/month until I finally had my breakthrough.

But, we were down to our last $600 into overdraft before it happened.

We were within days of running out of money completely.

Thankfully, I landed a few clients and hit $5,000/month at month 7.

That was incredibly scary, and one of the biggest hurdles to overcome.

Make sure you get your finances in order as much as possible, and be calculated when you finally quit your 9 to 5 to go all in on your copywriting business.

Start setting aside “freedom money” that can help you quit your job sooner than later!

3. I Was a Lone Wolf

When I first started my copywriting journey 5 years ago…

Nobody understood what I was doing.

My friends were all on the traditional path.

And they just didn’t get it.

They didn’t crave the freedom I was after with an online business.

I didn’t have any friends who were with me on my journey.

I was alone.

There was no “Money Twitter” back in 2019.

Communities weren’t a thing yet.

And coaching and mentorship was hard to find.

I had no other writers around me.

So I did the only thing I could think to do…

I bought all the books.

All the courses.

And I made those successful copywriters my inner circle.

I’d read copywriting books, listen to podcasts, handwrite sales letters, and glue my eyes to every second of every video from every copywriting course.

It was all I had, so I made it work.

But, having some other writers in my court would have given me an unfair advantage.

Just to be able to connect and keep each other motivated.

But even more importantly, to get feedback on my writing.

I didn’t have any of that.

But it would have probably got me to six figures in half the time.

The reality is that we all go through challenges.

No matter where you are on your journey.

Or where you’ve been in your past.

There are certain things you’ll have to overcome if you want to succeed as a digital writer.

Don’t let those challenges stop you.

Acknowledge them, and overcome them.

The journey to six figures isn’t easy, but it’s possible.

Keep your eyes on your end goal. Set a specific goal. 

Work daily on it. 

Write daily.

Read copywriting books daily.

Get feedback daily.

Handwrite sales letters daily.

Outreach daily.

As long as you’re always improving by even 1% every day…

And you keep taking action…

You’ll get your freedom.

-Brandon “revealing all the secrets“ Storey

P.S. My two September coaching programs start soon…

Whether you’re a brand new writer or you’ve already landed a few clients and need a bit more help to hit $5-10k/mo…

I’m offering a 1:1 mentorship and my group coaching program, The Six-Figure Copy Mastermind to a handful of copywriters.

First come, first serve (limited spots available for each).

My coaching programs will help you speed up your time to success.

If you’re:

  • Tired of working for someone else in your 9 to 5

  • Not wanting to let another year pass you by

  • Struggling to figure out freelance writing

  • Unsure of what steps you should take

  • Frustrated with trying to land clients

  • Not confident in your writing

And If you’re ready to finally make a change and build a business that gives you the life you want…

Then my coaching might be right for you.

In both programs, you get:

  • To steal the strategies of a six-figure writer (me)

  • Calls with me to fast-track you to $5,000-$10,000/month

  • Writing feedback and optimization tips to accelerate your growth

  • And more…

If you’re interested in either September coaching program, reply with “September” now and I’ll send you more info.

Here are some recent wins for my coaching students (who landed their first client within one month):

Interested in getting similar results? Ready to change your life?

It’s your choice…

If you’re ready, reply with “September” now and I’ll send you more info on my September coaching programs. Reply now before spots fill up.


or to participate.