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  • The #1 Reason Writers Don’t Hit $10k/Month

The #1 Reason Writers Don’t Hit $10k/Month

It has nothing to do with writing.

Hey friend! Welcome to Storey Time. If you were forwarded this email, add your email below to make sure you receive my next issue in your inbox.

I’ve been a full-time writer for 5 years.

I’ve made nearly half a million.

Over the years, I’ve seen hundreds of ambitious writers pop up with dreams of six figures.

But, most never earn enough to quit their jobs.

Here’s why:

Back in December 2018, I was sick of my job.

Sick of my commute to work.

Sick of my life.

I was just done.

I had enough of going from job to job only to make mediocre pay and have zero free time.

I was trapped in the rat race.

So, eventually, I just snapped.

I said, “Enough is enough” and I decided to go all in with online business.

I chose copywriting as my path to freedom.

I had tried other businesses over the years, but I threw in the towel early and quit when things got tough.

So, in January 2019, I decided it was now or never.

I bought all the copywriting books.

I bought all the copywriting courses.

Invested about $5,000 into my education.

  • Cut out Netflix

  • Cut out video games

  • Cut out time with friends

I went all in.

And, for the next 6 weeks, I wrote nonstop, read nonstop, and listened to business podcasts nonstop.

I woke up at 5/6 am every morning and wrote for 30-60 minutes.

Then I went to my day job for 12 hours.

After work, I’d handwrite sales letters from copywriting legends.

Then, I’d go through copywriting courses online.

And, I’d finish the night off by reading copywriting books.

45 days later, I landed my first client.

And, in the span of 12 months, I built up my business so I was making six figures per year.

I retired my wife, we traveled halfway around the world, and never worked a “job” again.

In half a decade since starting, I’ve seen countless writers start online but fade away before they hit six figures, let alone a full-time income.

But, why?

The #1 reason?

They lack resilience.

They lack patience.

They lack grit.

And most of all, they lack a strong “why.”

You see, most people venture into digital writing because they think it’s a way to get rich quick. 

That’s what I thought at first.

It took me years of trying different businesses and getting frustrated before I realized that’s not the reality for most people.

The secret to success in business is discipline and tenacity.

You need to be willing to put in the work.

You need to have the patience to know it might take 6-12 months to get things going.

I landed my first client fast – in just six weeks.

But, do you know how much I made in the first month I monetized?

$60 USD.

Month two, I made $400.

Month three, I made another $400.

Month four, five, and six, I didn’t make more than $1,000.

It wasn’t until the seventh month of writing online that I hit $5,000.

And, it wasn’t until one entire year after I started my copywriting journey that I reached the six-figure mark.

Most people quit before the compound effect takes off.

They give up because everyone else is hitting $10k/month with their “personal brand” in just a few months, but they’re not.

Here’s a quick reality check: that’s not the norm.

You need to spend time developing your writing skill.

I wrote for at least 2-3 hours per day every single day until I reached $5,000 per month.

You need to spend time doing free or cheap work to build up your portfolio.

I wrote at least fifty $10-20 blog posts on Fiverr before I reached a full-time income.

You need to be willing to put in the work when no one else is.

I gave up my evenings and weekends for an entire year to hit six figures. While everyone else was out having fun, playing video games, and partying, I was grinding away in my studio apartment at 5 am writing in a Google Doc, and again at 7 pm handwriting sales letters from the 80s.

Don’t think it’s going to happen overnight.

Don’t think you’re going to hit $10k in a month, or even two.


Don’t think you’re a failure just because you’re six months in and haven’t hit $1,000 yet.

That was me.

It didn't click for me until month 7.

Launching an online business was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

But, nothing inside of me was ever going to quit until I made it.

That is the kind of mentality you need to have in order to hit six figures as a writer.

An all-or-nothing mindset.

A long-term vision.

And resilience.

It’s not going to come easy…

But, if you:

  • Build up a writing specialty

  • Provide value to your network

  • Focus on the right outputs every day

You’ll get there.

-Brandon “Didn’t quit till it worked” Storey

P.S. I’ve got one spot left in my July mentorship program.

If you’re sick and tired of waiting around to make your dream life a reality, then join my mentorship.

This isn’t for you if:

  • You’re just dipping your toes into the writing world

  • You have less than 1 hour per day to work on your business

  • You’re not writing daily

This is for you if:

  • You’re committed to making a living as a writer

  • You’re willing to put in the work no matter what

  • You aren’t yet making a consistent $5k+/month income

If you want one-on-one help from a 5-year copywriter who’s earned nearly half a million with the written word…

Then reply to this email with the word “July” now and I’ll send you more information on the mentorship.


or to participate.