Oops - Spelling Error In My Last Email

Here's how I use mistakes to my advantage (and how you can too)

In yesterday’s email, I made a SPELLING mistake:

Not in the body of the email…

But smack dab in the subject line.

It was so bad that I even had a subscriber confront me on it with a big old “X”

I should know better than to make silly little mistakes like that, right?

You bette believe it.

To be fair, it’s probably the first spelling error I’ve made with my personal newsletter.

(…Or at least, the first one I’ve been called out for)

And out of 174 emails sent, that’s not too bad, I guess.


Now that “Boss Brandon” has finished giving “Email Copywriter Brandon” a spanking for this mistake…

Let’s get into some real talk for a moment

This is NOT the first time I’ve made a spelling mistake in my emails.

And certainly won’t be the last.

In fact, even though a critique email reply isn’t my favorite thing to wake up to in the morning…

My email list is still relatively small — 3,000 copywriters.

And sending a mistake to 3,000 people sure beats sending one to a list of 100,000 people…

…For a CLIENT paying me $8,400/month

And getting an email from said client letting me know I’ve made a mistake.

…After that client received 15+ email replies from subscribers letting him know of the spelling error HE made (sorry client, it was actually… uhmmm, me).

Not that this EVER happened to me before…


(okay maybe it did… multiple times)


Don’t get me wrong.

As a copywriter, you need to have your spelling game on point.

You need to have your punctuation on point.

You need to have your grammar (mostly) on point.

If you approach prospects with clear spelling mistakes in a copy sample, it’s not exactly going to ‘wow’ them and convince them to hire you.

One thing I do to (mostly) avoid this is by copy-pasting my email back into a Google Doc and hitting spell check — you should do this every time you publish copy.

The funny thing is, I actually did this for the body copy in yesterday’s email. But I didn’t spell check the subject lines I inserted (hah!).

Oh well.

Here’s the next mini lesson from this error

Your spelling matters. Your punctuation matters. Your grammar matters.


You need to remember that you’re going to make mistakes.

You’re going to screw up your copy for clients. You’re going to forget to schedule an email. You’re going to forget a critical piece of copy. You’re going to forget to add that link into your email.

But, you can’t let the fear of those mistakes hold you back from pitching a client.

Don’t let it hold you back from pitching the big dog, like my copywriting student, C.

C just landed a big fish client (generating over $2M per year in revenue)

And that client has about 12 different email automations set up

You see, C is a new copywriter.

And he was given a “big boy” assignment from one of his first clients.

He could easily be getting overwhelmed by the complexity of this already-established business.

But, he’s not. He’s stepping up to the plate. And he’s crushing it for them.

And, he’s also made some small mistakes already. But, he corrects them, keeps his head high, and gets to work to get them results.

Don’t fear making mistakes — embrace them

…Knowing they’re part of the process of writing great copy and making even greater money.

In fact, your mistakes might end up working in your favor, turning into a positive immediately.

How did my spelling mistake work out in my favor?

Two ways:

#1: It gave me my email idea for the day. Easy.

#2: It increased my email open rate.


Well, here’s the funny thing about the subject line yesterday

The “mistake” subject line actually won my A/B test:

So, don’t sweat the small stuff.

Don’t fear mistakes.

Don’t think you’re too new, too inexperienced, too unqualified to land clients and get them results.

Even the copywriters who have been in the game for years make mistakes, like me.

But, learn how to embrace those mistakes (and even use them to your advantage like I do), and you’re going to crush it as a copywriter.

Brandon “Making mistakes will make you bette” Storey

P.S. Your call to action today is a fun one (FREE STUFF)

If you’re serious about making $5,000-$10,000/month, go write copy for 60+ minutes today.

Your money isn’t going to earn itself. And your job isn’t going to quit itself.

The only way to become a copywriter worth $100,000+ per year is by embracing daily discipline to the craft.

The first 2 people who reply to this email to let me know they did their 60 minutes of copy practice today get a free 15 minute coaching call with me next week ($99 value).

To qualify for the free call, you must send a screenshot of your copy as proof you did the hour.

P.P.S. If I ever make a mistake in any future emails or you have any feedback, critiques, suggestions, at all, let me know. My goal is to make this the best newsletter to help freelance copywriters build a $5,000-$10,000/month business. If there’s a way to improve it, I’m all ears.


or to participate.