19 Best Writing Tools & Resources

My favorite copy books and tech stack.

Hey friend! Welcome to Storey Time. If you’re new here, add your email below to make sure you receive my next issue in your inbox.

Last week, I shared my favorite tools on X.

I made a simple post showing what software I use as a full-time writer.

I didn’t think much of it.


The post ended up getting some pretty decent engagement.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about X engagement…

It’s that comments and likes are secondary metrics.

What’s the primary metric you should look for?


When people are actively saving your post to come back to later, you know you’ve created something of value.

And… 29 people bookmarked the post.

I figured… it must be something you might want to know more about.

So, why not make a newsletter about my favorite tools!

And, after writing that X post, I realized I actually have a few tools that I missed.

So, without further ado, here are all the tools I use as a full-time writer.

Some of them are free.

Some of them are paid.

Some have affiliate links.
(So I’ll get paid a small commission if you buy using my link)

I only recommend tools I actively use and believe in wholeheartedly.

🛠 My Favorite Tools

✍️ Writing

Google Docs (free)

Google Docs is the easiest writing software.

I always write everything in there.

Copy, content, and most of my X long forms. It’s simple to collaborate with others as well. And it’s 100% free.

📝 Editing

Grammarly (free and paid version)

Every single writer should use Grammarly.

Despite writing full-time for half a decade, I still make grammar mistakes every single day.

This tool catches everything.

The free version is super powerful. Use it as a Google Doc plugin. Once you’re done writing your first draft, see what Grammarly suggests.

✉️ Newsletter Platform

beehiiv (free and paid version)

I’ve generated over $1 million in email revenue for clients. I’ve used dozens of email platforms over the years including Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and Klaviyo.

beehiiv is the best newsletter platform for creators. Without a doubt.

You don’t have to be an experienced writer to start a newsletter.

Running your own newsletter is one of the fastest ways to become an experienced writer.

My biggest regret as a writer is not starting my own newsletter when I began ghostwriting in 2019.


The ROI for email is 40:1. That means for every $1 you invest in email marketing, you can expect about $40 in return. (i.e. invest $1k, expect $40k back).

It’s the highest-paying channel (it beats social, paid ads, SEO, etc.).

It’s also the most steadfast channel (doesn’t rely on algorithms).

And… the safest channel (you can’t be banned and have your subscribers taken away like social media platforms).

beehiiv is the best platform for growth (integrated referral program, free recommendations, paid recommendations).

It’s super easy to monetize (paid newsletter, ads, affiliates, paid recommendations).

And unlike ConvertKit, your newsletters live on as blog posts forever. When you hit send, your newsletter is sent to your email list (and also gets posted on your beehiiv website as a blog post).

This means you automatically double up your content (and your reach) with each newsletter.

Their free plan lets you build a list of 2,500 subscribers (ConvertKit only allows 1,000).

👨‍💻 Comfort

Something strange happens almost every time I work at a coffee shop…

Random strangers walk up to me and ask me about my laptop stand.

It’s insane.

Like 70% of the time I work at Starbucks, somebody will walk up and ask about my stand.

Everyone who sees it wants it.

This cheap laptop stand has been my greatest purchase for work besides my Macbook.

For my first 2 years as a writer, I crept over my laptop like the hunchback of Notre Dame.

Dealt with constant neck/back problems.

Working from home is amazing. But, hunching over a laptop for hours every day starts to wear on you after a while!

This laptop stand only costs about $20 and is still going strong after 3 years.

Folds up small to easily slide right into your backpack.

👩‍🎨 Design

Canva (free and paid version)

I suck at design.

I was like a C+ student in art class growing up.

Canva makes it so I don’t totally suck at design.

It’s so easy to make graphics on the platform (great for X, newsletters, blog posts, etc.)

My favorite thing I made recently with Canva was my ebook cover (see above).

For an ebook cover, all you have to do is make a simple design. Then Canva will automatically transform it into a 3D mockup of whatever you want (book, laptop, shirt, etc.).

𝕏 (Twitter)

X Premium+ ($16/mo)

I got Premium for the blue checkmark. $8/month. So worth it for the authority, trust, and credibility.

I upgraded to Premium+ for boosted replies. The algorithm will put your replies higher up on other people’s posts, giving you more impressions.

Also, Premium comes with organized Bookmarks (see above). It’s been super handy for organizing content I love.

Tweet Hunter ($49/mo)

I got Tweet Hunter for my free ebook/audiobook launch.


It would have taken hours to DM 300+ people to hand out my book (on top of all the other stuff I was doing for the launch).

The software auto-DM’d everyone who commented on my giveaway post.

Saved me a ton of time.

Now, I keep Tweet Hunter for their CRM. The tool has an engagement feature that makes it quick and easy to comment and reply to people (I can engage like 20% faster).

There’s still so much I haven’t even tapped into yet with the tool (like analytics) but it’s amazing so far.

I highly recommend it for anyone serious about growing on X.

🧾 Invoicing

Bonsai ($21/mo)

Bonsai has been such a solid invoicing tool.

Early on, I used to send invoices via PayPal but they were just kind of ugly and unprofessional.

Then I found Bonsai.

The invoices look way more professional.

But… the best part is — Bonsai has awesome automations.

For example, if your client hasn’t paid by a specific due date, you can have an automated email reminder sent to them.

Sometimes clients just get busy and they forget. This saves an awkward email since Bonsai does it for you. You also get notified via email if your client viewed an invoice you sent them.

And for recurring clients on retainer, you can have the same invoice go out each month on autopilot (see above).

📅 Meeting Scheduling

TidyCal ($29 one-time fee)

If you offer paid coaching/consultations, TidyCal is the best.

It’s made by AppSumo (Noah Kagan).

If someone wants to book a call, they have to pay first (ecommerce integration).

Makes it super easy to organize and schedule paid calls without having to hunt down clients for payments.

Simple and automated.

💻 Blog Website Platform

WordPress (free)

WordPress is the most versatile website tool.

It’s one of the best options if you want to build your own site — especially if you’re thinking of launching your own niche blog.

Pretty simple to use.

I use it for both of my blogs — Hockey Question and Heavenly Spoon.

📈 Blog Website Analytics

If you’ve got a website, Google Analytics is solid to track everything — and free.

It helps you see your overall traffic, how well individual posts are doing, and your engagement (i.e. how long people are staying on your site).

💾 Web Hosting

Cloudways (Starting at $11/mo)

If you want to run a website, you have to host it somewhere.

Cloudways is one of the most reputable hosting platforms.

It lets you know if anything fishy’s going on with your site, keeps it secure, and is super solid at preventing downtimes.

Okay, now that we’ve covered tools… let’s talk books.

Recently, I’ve had several people ask me what resources I recommend to copywriters looking to level up.

So, here are my favorite copywriting books!

I’ve personally read all of these (some of them several times).

They helped me learn copy quickly so I was able to land clients fast as a new writer.

I highly recommend them if you’re serious about becoming a full-time writer.

📕 My Favorite Copywriting Books

These four cost about $80-$100 total. To me, they’re worth at least 100x the price.

I won’t go into details on all of these books right now.

All I’ll say is this…

In the first 4 weeks of my copywriting journey (in 2019), I read every single book listed below.

And… at week 6, I landed my first client (as told in my free ebook).

These books are written by the best in the game.

Altogether, the authors have sold billions of dollars with the written word.

If there was a copywriting hall of fame, they’d all be in it.

Top 3 Copy Books

The Boron Letters (Gary Halbert)

Influence (Robert Cialdini)

The Rest of the Best

Ogilvy on Advertising (David Ogilvy)

Scientific Advertising (Claude C. Hopkins)

Breakthrough Copywriting (David Garfinkel)

That’s it, that’s all!

Want to save this newsletter as a reference? Bookmark it in your browser.

Talk soon.

-Brandon “Where did you get that laptop stand” Storey

P.S. If you have any questions about any of these tools or books, just reply to this email.

P.P.S. Next week I’m going to show you the best places I find writing clients so keep an eye out in your inbox!


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