I Made a 1 Year Commitment

"Enough's enough"

I just ran for the first time in 3 months.

Between creating and launching my copywriting course…

And all the Christmas festivities…

I haven’t exactly been in the best shape physically.

I’ve committed to working out every day this year

My primary workout of choice?

Running on my treadmill.


Lose 30 pounds this year.


I had my first kid almost 4 years ago (and when I say “I had” I really mean “my wife had”)...

And since then, I’ve put on some… we’ll call it… baby weight.

And I’ve finally come to the point where enough’s enough.

The thing is?

I’ve told myself this several times before.

But nothing changed:

  • Rarely caring what I’m eating throughout the day

  • Going into “snack attack” mode late at night

  • Not prioritizing working out

But, I finally reached a breaking point.

I got sick and tired of feeling out of shape.

What did it for me?

I’m barely keeping up with my 1.5 and 3.5 year old girls when we play.

And family time – especially when it comes to spending time and being “on” when I’m with them – is one area I’m not willing to compromise on.

The results so far?

  • I’ve now worked out 4 days in a row

  • Running again on the Peloton every day

  • Adjusted my schedule to prioritize it in the morning

  • Not going into snack attack mode like crazy at night anymore

  • Prioritizing family walks now to make staying active a normal thing

I’ve got a long way to go. But I’m already feeling like I’ve got some extra gas in the tank when playing with them.

My goal is to lose 30 pounds by January 1, 2026.

I haven’t lost a single pound yet.

But, it doesn’t matter. What matters is I’m taking deliberate action to make it happen. And multiple things at that.

And I know just by doing these few basic things daily, I will reach my goal.

The same is true for you and your copywriting journey

Step one is to finally say “Enough’s enough.”

You need to stir yourself up emotionally if that’s what it takes to make a change. 

Nobody’s going to force you to wake up early to do power writing sessions and practice specialized copy.

Only you can decide when you’re willing to make a clear plan to grow your copywriting business, get out of your 9 to 5, and go all in on your dreams.

Whether that’s because of the pain of:

  • Not feeling in control of your life

  • Having to commute to a job you hate

  • Taking marching orders from a tyrant boss

  • Not being present with your friends and family

  • Feeling like you want to travel the world but can’t

  • Not having enough of money holds you back from your dream life

Or whatever it is.

It’s one thing to want something… It’s another thing to NEED something

And until the want of becoming a six-figure copywriter becomes a need to become a six-figure copywriter, you’ll keep living the same mundane life, putting your dreams on hold.

What did it take for me to finally start embracing the pain of the Peloton treadmill again?

Realizing it was affecting my relationship with my young daughters – who are my everything.

That was enough for me to start taking immediate action.

You’ve gotta decide what that catalyst is for you.

Then, start taking the action steps you need to take to achieve your dream business.

If you’re already at that point where you’re ready to go all in…

But you need some extra direction to help you reach your goals…

Grab a Ticket to the Sniper Bomb Workshop on Jan 18

Then my upcoming Sniper Bomb Workshop might be just the thing for you.

Especially if you’re brand new and don’t know where to start with landing clients.

Or, you’ve been trying to land clients for weeks or even months (but are getting barely any responses and are still making little to no money from copywriting).


On Saturday, January 18 at 1 pm EST, you’ll get the chance to learn:

The Sniper Bomb: my unique step-by-step WARM outreach system that has helped ~70% of my students land their first copywriting client within one month.

  • Without blasting 100 cold emails/DMs day

  • Without hopping on aggressive sales calls

  • Without any previous client-getting experience

All as brand new copywriters.

The best part?

All it takes is sending just ONE outreach per day. 

In the Workshop, you’ll learn:

  • 3 steps you need to take to get your copy skills up to speed first

  • Who to target (to get those $1,000+ clients)

  • How to get their attention (you need to get this right in the DMs)

  • What you need to do to optimize your social profile (so you don’t scare them off)

  • How to prove you’re worth hiring without a single portfolio piece (and land them with ease)

All from my 6 years experience as a freelance copywriter (who’s made over half a million).

This is going to be a 90-minute live event on Google Meet, so you can tune in from anywhere.

With 60 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of an open Q&A to answer all your questions live.

All you have to do is show up and take some notes.

And then?

You’ll get a step-by-step blueprint to land your first copywriting client in just 30 days

My students pay me thousands to learn this exact system.

But, you can get access to the live training for a one-time payment of $99 USD.


The earlier you buy your ticket, the more you get:

  • The first 10 people who buy: get a ticket to the event for 50% off ($49 USD) and a free 5-10 minute copy critique video from Brandon ($50 value)

  • The next 5 people who buy: get a ticket to the event for 50% off ($49 USD)

  • The next 5 people who buy: get a ticket to the event for $99 USD

Only 15 spots left.

So, the best time to grab your ticket is TODAY. 

Brandon “grab your ticket to freedom” Storey

P.S. The workshop comes with a money-back guarantee.


or to participate.