How to Become a Better Copywriter FAST

Plus, introducing the "Six-Figure Copy Mastermind"

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Six-Figure Copy Mastermind

Don’t miss it.

Here’s a quick teaser:

Trying to build a $5-10k/month copywriting business?


You’re not going to get far if you don’t practice your copy skills.

Too many newbie copywriters think that writing 5-10 minutes per day is going to get them to six figures.

The problem is…

It won’t.

You need to master your writing craft.

But, what’s the best way to do it? And how do you level up fast?

Here are 4 tips to become a skilled copywriter in no time:

1. Do Morning Power Writing Sessions

I landed my first client in 45 days.

And… I became a six-figure writer in one year.

What did I do to get there?

It all started with power writing sessions.

The reality is, no matter what skill you want to master, whether it’s copywriting, basketball, or unicycle juggling…

You need to put in the reps.

The same is true for copywriting.

You need hours in the game.

You can’t just go and spam 100 cold emails and cold DMs every day and expect to build a six-figure writing business out of it.

You need to get GOOD.

Here’s what I did to start (do the same thing):

1. Woke up every morning at 5-6 am before my day job.

2. Opened up Google Docs

3. Turned on a timer for 30 or 60 minutes.

4. And just wrote.

5. When the timer ended, I stopped.

No backspaces. No stopping. No agenda. No prompt.

Just write.

You need to build your writing muscle.

The only way to do that is just start writing. Get the hours in. Get the word count in.

This will grow you the fastest.

2. Handwrite Sales Letters

If you want to be great at anything, you need to replicate what the greats did.

So, what better place to start than to analyze the best pieces of copy in history?

Just like up-and-coming basketball stars will analyze footage of the greats like Jordan, Kobe, and LeBron (to get better).

You need to analyze the great copywriters. I’m talking…

  • Gary Halbert

  • Eugene Schwartz

  • David Ogilvy

  • Gary Bencivenga

  • And more

Look at their top-performing ads and sales letters (check Google or

Then, analyze them.


Rewrite them.

By hand.

Who’s idea was this?

Not mine.

It was Gary Halbert’s idea on how to level up your copywriting game.

He’s the Michael Jordan of copywriting.

Listen to him. Find winning sales letters. And handwrite them every day. Word for word.

I did it. And it got me to six figures in one year.

So you should do the same.

3. Practice a Specific Type of Copy

When you’re new, it’s hard to figure out what to write.

Copywriting is BROAD.

There are so many types of copy:

  • Ads

  • VSLs

  • Blogs

  • Emails

  • Ebooks

  • Website copy

  • Landing pages

  • YouTube scripts

  • Social media copy

  • And more

It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what to practice.

My suggestion?

Pick one and specialize in it.

Don’t just write random samples of different types of copy every day.

Become a master of one.

Yes, that means experimenting to see what you like.

But, don’t try to master everything.

I picked blog posts at the beginning. I landed my first clients for their blog.

Later, I specialized in emails.

So, once you’ve got your power writing sessions going in the morning and sales letters at night, add in some specialized copy practice in the afternoon to fill in the gaps.

Morning, afternoon, night.

Sounds like a lot?

You do want to hit six figures right?

And do it fast?

Well, then, you need to put in the work.

Practicing copy for 5-10 minutes every few days isn’t enough if you want to win.

4. Work on Real Companies

Want to take things to the next level?

Most courses and gurus tell you to practice writing random samples about made-up companies and products.

That’s not going to help you much.

Instead, you should check out real companies.

Then, rewrite their copy.

Are you an email copywriter?

Sign up to email lists and rewrite a company’s welcome email.

Are you an ad copywriter?

Go to Facebook Ad Library and rewrite a company’s ads.

Are you a Twitter ghostwriter?

Check out a company in your chosen niche and write them a new thread.

You will master copy fastest when you start working on real companies, run by real people, with real products and services.


  • Do Morning Power Writing Sessions

  • Handwrite Sales Letters

  • Practice a Specific Type of Copy

  • Work on Real Companies

Brandon “I also rewrote Boron Letters by hand” Storey

P.S. The other day, I sent you an email asking if anyone would be interested in a group coaching program with me.

And I received a ton of emails back asking to launch one.


For the first time ever…

I’m opening up a group coaching program in August.

The Six-Figure Copy Mastermind officially launches next week:

  • One-month group coaching accelerator to kickstart your copywriting business

  • One hour group call each week with a lesson (and a bonus Q&A afterward to answer any questions)

  • Daily mastermind support in group chat with me and the other students to answer questions, give feedback, share wins, etc.

  • 3 Loom videos per person per week for writing feedback and optimizations

  • My entire six-figure blueprint to fast-track your copywriting business to $5,000-$10,000 per month

BONUS #1: 1 hour one-on-one coaching call with me to kick-off the mastermind ($250 value)

BONUS #2: All my client management documents (Discovery Call Script, Writing Package & Pricing Template, Research Questionnaire, and Prospect Outreach Tracker) ($500 value)

Whether you’re a brand new writer or you’ve already landed a few clients and need a bit more help to hit $5-10k/mo…

The Six-Figure Copy Mastermind will give you all the tools you need to succeed FAST.

I’m limiting it to 6 spots.

First come, first serve.

And I don’t expect spots to stay open for long.

Want one of the six spots?

Want to know more?


or to participate.