How to get more out of life fast

Even if you're an introvert

We all want something.

Whether it’s:

  • More free time

  • More money

  • Better relationships

  • More autonomy

  • Less stress

  • More peace

  • More adventure


It always seems like something is holding us back.

Wouldn’t you agree?

We tend to blame external circumstances for our problems in life:

“It’s because of my bad upbringing.”

“It’s because I come from a bad country.”

“It’s because I’m not as smart as other people.”

But the truth is?

These are all excuses.

There are endless examples of people who have overcome a bad childhood, bad country, and low IQ to achieve everything they want in life.

You want to know the secret to getting more out of life?

You need to embrace PEOPLE skills.

Improving your relationships — attracting a partner, or making friends?

That’s 100x easier if you know how to talk to people.

Being more adventurous — like travelling the world?

Same thing — know how to talk to people and you’ll be amazed at what opportunities for adventure that opens up.

Success in business — especially your freelance copywriting business?

You guessed it: if you know how to talk to people, you’re going to make a lot more money than someone who doesn’t have that skill.

You see, that’s the key word here:


Copywriting is a skill.

If you want to make $10,000/month as a copywriter, it ain’t gonna happen without developing the skill of copywriting.


Despite the fact that copywriting is a business better suited for natural introverts than something like face to face sales…

You’ll have a tough time making it to $10k/mo without PEOPLE skills.

Knowing how to talk to people is a skill (just like copywriting).

You know what this means?

It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself shy, introverted, or bad at talking.

You can develop your people skills (just like you develop your copy skills) to become just as powerful as the “natural extrovert.”

In fact, you can get so good at talking to people that other people will say, “Wow, you’re so extroverted. You’re so outgoing. You’re such a natural.”

They won’t have a clue.

So, how do you develop this skill?

It mainly comes down to one thing: confidence.

You need to get confident speaking to other humans.

But, how do you get confident?


You have to have the courage to put yourself out there.

To speak to people. Meet people.

You know the saying, “Your network is your net worth?”

It’s 100% true.

For my first 6 months as a copywriter, I was a chicken.

I was scared to meet people in person and talk about my copywriting business.

And I was scared to hop on a Zoom call online with potential clients.

The result?

I didn’t make more than $1,000/month as a copywriter.


The moment I decided I was going to get GOOD at “people skills” is the moment I increased my earnings.


I went from $1,000/month in month 6 to $5,000/month in month 7.


I hopped on my first two sales calls online and closed them both.

Next month, I reached over $7,000.


I put myself out there in the online world and started speaking about my business with business owners.

By month 12? I made $9,000/month.

And, I even exercised this recently and landed a new copywriting client in January.

I found out a lady had a business, asked her how her marketing’s going, gave her some advice (when I saw some mistakes)…

Next thing you know?

She’s asking to pay me to meet again.

And now we’re working together on a retainer.

Practically… HOW do you develop your people skills?

Go talk to people. Go read How to Win Friends and Influence People.

I know some people reallllly struggle to put themselves out there. Talking to strangers is a nightmare to some.

But you know what I realized? When you want to succeed bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to win.

And you know what’s going to happen when you develop this skill?

Everything in your life will get better:

Your money, your time, your relationships…

And of course, your copywriting business.

Go be a people person today.

It’s the easiest way to get everything you want in life.

-Brandon “talk to people” Storey

P.S. Here are a few steps to improve your people skills. Do this even if you think you’re already good at talking to people:

  1. Go talk to 3 strangers today on the street (about anything)

  2. Order How to Win Friends and Influence People (and start reading it)

  3. Go text 5 friends/family to pitch them your copywriting services (follow Sniper Bomb strategy to give free value upfront).


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