FREE-Step Formula To Land Paid Clients

It's also the least scary way to pitch.

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Everyone wants the secret formula.

Everyone wants the easy path.

Everyone wants wealth now.

Well, here it is.

Before I dive into the exact strategy…

I just want you to understand…

I was just like you at one point.

In 2018 I worked at a 9 to 5.

And dreamed of making money online one day.

So, I dove head-first into copywriting in January 2019.

But, it was so confusing.

When I first started writing, I was overwhelmed by differing opinions, fragmented pieces of information, and choices on what to do.

Information overload, analysis paralysis, and self-doubt were the norm.

It’s hard to believe it’s possible at times when you’re doing something you’ve never done before.

It took the blinders off my eyes.

It showed me this thing was real.

Even though my first client paid me $15 for an article, I didn’t see $15.

I saw $150, $1,500, $15,000, $150,000, and even $1,500,000.

I saw the potential. 

I saw what it meant.

People always give me a hard time for how I got my first client.

“Fiverr sucks.”

“That’s too cheap.”

“That’s basically free work.”

You know what? 

Free or cheap work is the fastest way to land clients.

Below, you’re going to learn the FREE-Step Formula you can use to land paid clients fast.

And yes, free work is involved.

If that scares you, feel free to stay trapped in your 9 to 5.

No one’s going to force you out of it.

But, I can show you the path out.

I can show you there’s another way.

But… you can’t just wait for clients to come to you.

They won’t.

You need to get proactive.

And… You need to use the right strategy:

The Free-to-Paid Method

Here’s the money maker.

It’s the fastest way to land clients.

It’s the easiest way to land clients.

It’s the least scary way to land clients.

And you don’t need to cold DM or hard sell anyone.

Here’s how it works:

You start targeting potential clients in your niche.

Let’s say your niche is fitness.

And, let’s say you’re hunting for them on X.

Go make a list of ideal clients (check that they’re actually bringing in revenue by researching their site).

Then, like their posts, comment on them, follow them, and open up a conversation in their DMs.



Just be a human.

And connect with them.

Then, go back to their website and take a look at their copy.

If you’re a landing page specialist, look at their landing page.

How would you improve it?

How could you make it better?

How can it generate more leads or sales?

Write down everything you can think of.

This is a landing page audit.

Now, you have 5-10 tips to improve it.

Maybe it needs:

  • Better headline

  • Better offer

  • Clear call to action

  • More proof

  • More white space as the text is hard to read

Now, rewrite that landing page.

Open up Google Docs.

Or use the sneaky “hack” that I talk about in my free ebook in Module 3: Discover Your Angle.

With that sneaky hack you can edit someone’s copy directly on their website so it’s all pretty and presentable.

Now, DM your warm lead.

This is a warm lead now that you’ve opened a conversation already.

Get in the DMs and let them know you love their website, their business, and their mission, and want to help them out. You noticed a few areas they could optimize their landing page for better conversions.

Tell them all the tips right in the DM. Don’t put it behind a Google Doc.

Then, give them the Google Doc with the new landing page draft.

And say, “I actually updated your landing page for you with all the suggested optimization for free. Enjoy!”

And hit “send.”

Now, you wait.

Wait 2-3 days.

If no reply, ask them, “How’s the landing page? What do you think? :) “

Scenario 1: 

If they don't reply, or they reply and don’t want it, don’t worry, you didn’t waste your time.

Now you have a portfolio piece (just remove the company name/logo).

And you got experience working on a real project.

You’re 1% better now.

Scenario 2:

They reply and say “Wow, thank you so much. This is great. I’d love to hire you but I just can’t afford a copywriter right now. Is there anything I can do to help you out?”

  • Ask to use it as a portfolio piece (with their information on it).

  • Ask for a testimonial.

  • Ask for referrals.

If your work is good, this person will likely want to help you out now since you did something awesome for them for free.

A single referral from this person could lead to a paid client quickly.

Scenario 3: 

This is the best-case scenario: they reply and love it. And they say, “Wow can I hire you to do x, y, z for my brand? I actually could use a writer and this is great!”

Boom. You just got hired.

Because you took the risk off the client by doing the work upfront for free.

How do I know this strategy works?

Because this is exactly what I did with my 1:1 mentorship student last month, Chase.

He reached out to a guy in his niche.

He shmoozed him up, and started a conversation in the DMs.

And then updated his landing page.

I helped Chase optimize the landing page during one of our hour-long mentorship calls.

Chase gave it to the guy and he loved it.

He hired Chase immediately.

This was after Chase had spent months learning copy and improving but just struggling to land a client.

He did it in the fourth week of the mentorship.

Since then, this “Warm DM guy” hired Chase to do:

  • His entire website

  • Lead magnet

  • Lead magnet landing page

  • Welcome email series

And, best of all, he’s got Chase on retainer to write weekly emails.

Chase did this all outside his 9 to 5 and time with his wife and two kids.

To top it off, Chase landed a second client a few days later.

If he can do it, so can you.

It’s not impossible.

It just takes determination.

And, the right strategy.

If you want extra help landing your first client, book a 15-min free strategy session with me now.

I just opened up my paid mentorship last week to take on 3 clients this month.

Two of three spots are already filled.

There’s only one spot left.

And I don’t expect it to be open for long.

The 4-week mentorship starts next weekend.

If you want some extra help (or you’re interested in the mentorship) book a free call with me.

I charge $200 for a one-hour consultation. 

But, right now, I’m offering 15-minute calls for FREE to help you out, no matter where you’re at.

Last week, I met with several new writers looking for more help. 

Here’s what a few of them had to say:

Book a FREE 15-minute call now.

During the call, we’ll go over whatever you need.

I can…

  • Review your copy live.

  • Identify your biggest roadblocks.

  • Show you exactly where to find hot clients.

  • Help you figure out your ideal niche and writing specialty.

  • Give you personalized insights into your specific situation.

And more.

If you’re tired of wondering what to do next…

And you can’t seem to figure out how to land a client…

Especially if you’re interested in the final spot in my 4-week, 1:1 mentorship.


or to participate.