4 Steps to Find Your Writing Niche

Don't pick the wrong niche.

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P.S. My waitlist for my August mentorship is now open.

I’m taking on 4 writers (1 spot is already filled).

Reply to this email with “August” if you want some more details.

Trying to make $5,000+ online as a writer?

You need to niche down if you want to stand out.

But… the problem is:

Most people don’t know how to niche…

Or they pick the wrong one — and it ends up costing them.

Here are 4 simple steps to find your writing niche fast:

1. Passion or Profit?

There are two camps:

1. The “Pick the Rich Niche” camp.

2. And “Pick Your Passion” camp.

I have experience diving into both.

Guess what?

If you chase riches but you hate the niche, you’ll end up hating the work and burning out.

And, you didn’t come here to find another job you hate.

You came here to create a dream business.

One you love showing up to every day.

While chasing your passion can still feel like “work” at times and you won’t always want to do it…

I guarantee if you just pick a niche because it’s “where the money’s at” without considering if you’ll like it or not…

You’ll crash and burn.

And that’s not a recipe for a good life.

Instead, look at your passions.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I love learning?

  • What books do I buy and read?

  • What do I love watching on YouTube?

  • What do I love talking about?

  • What do I probably talk too much about with friends and family?

  • What could I see myself still passionate about in 10 years?

You probably have 2-3 ideas popping up in your head.

Make note of them and move onto quick tip number two…

2. What’s Your Unfair Advantage?

Everybody has an unfair advantage.

Maybe this is a natural talent… like being super athletic, knowing how to talk well, or maybe knowing how to whistle out of your nose.

Whatever it is…

Look at the things you’re “naturally” talented at.

If you’re not sure what they are, just ask your friends and family what they think you’re talented at.


Look at the skills you’ve already built. The expertise you’ve already acquired.

The things you’ve spent years building (without maybe even knowing it).

What have you studied intensely for long periods of time?

What expert knowledge are you known for?

Think about:

  • Your work background

  • What you studied in school

  • The hobbies you have

Did you play college basketball?

Have you ever entered into a higher-level competition for anything?

Were you a software developer for 5 years?

Are you really into real estate investing?

Are you a musician?

Look at the things you’re already an expert in – or at least a perceived expert.

When you’re a new writer, you’re expertise in a niche does two things for you:

1. It helps you land clients easily in that niche. 

Since you’re an expert in it (and you can talk the talk and walk the walk), you’ll be the first choice to hire even if you’re a beginner writer.

2. When you do land that client, you won’t have to research as much. 

You already know the niche inside and out so the writing will be easier (and you’ll do a better job overall) which means more money for you (in less time too).

Look at your unfair advantage and if there’s a crossover into the thing you are super passionate about, you’ve found a golden niche opportunity.

3. Still Can’t Pick a Niche?

When I first started, I didn’t know my niche.

I picked 3 things: 

  • Travel

  • Personal finance

  • Marketing/business growth

So, I started writing about all three.

Every day, I’d pick one of the three topics and write something.

Over time, I found that I didn’t like writing about travel as much as I actually like traveling.

Personal finance was my second choice.

But, I could EASILY write about marketing topics.

They were the most fun.

And felt the least like “work”.

So, I kept diving into that.

5 years later, and I:

  • Still love marketing and business growth

  • Could talk about it all day long

  • Could write about it every day

I finally narrowed down my niche when I just started writing on different topics.

Do the same if you’re not 100% sure about your niche yet.

Just write 500+ words on a topic every day.

4. When Should You Pivot or Keep Going?

So you picked a niche.

You’ve been at it for a while.


It turns out you don’t really like the niche.

There are two questions you need to ask yourself here:

1. Is it the niche I don’t like, or is it hard work I don’t like?

Because building a writing business isn’t easy.

There will be times when you don’t feel like writing but you just have to do it anyway.

And the second question…

2. Could I see myself writing 500+ words on this topic every day for the next 10 years?

If the answer is no, then it’s probably time to pivot.


Don’t be the guy who pivots every week into a new niche.

It’s not a good look.

Pick something, and stick to it.

You can always pivot later on if you want.

And, you can always build up a second niche into a separate portfolio if you want to diversify.

But, it’s best to start with one niche and own it.

Become the authority in that lane.

And then, if you really want, broaden your niche or try something new.

But be willing to commit to something for 6-12 months.

Bonus: But What About the Niche’s Profitability?

In most cases, you don’t have to worry about this.


Because unless your niche is Mongolian throat singing, there’s probably pretty good demand.

And, if there’s demand, there’s money.

Now, I will say this…

If you can pick something under these three broad categories, there’s a good chance there will always be demand:

1. Health

2. Wealth

3. Relationships


Humans desire those 3 things the most.


It’s most important to find something at the crossroads of passion and expertise.

If you’re super passionate about the niche AND you’re an expert in it already, you’re going to have a leg up on the competition.

And that means you’ll be the one landing the clients and making the big bucks.


  • Start by analyzing what you’re passionate about

  • Then look at what topics you’re already an expert in

  • Begin writing in a few niches to narrow down your favorite

  • It’s okay to pivot if you need to

-Brandon “Is it neesh or nitch?” Storey

P.S. My August mentorship WAITLIST is now open.

I’m taking on 4 writers (1 spot is already filled).

Reply to this email with “August” if you want some more details.

What is my mentorship?

It’s one-on-one coaching with yours truly to help you fast-track to $5,000-$10,000 per month as a copywriter or ghostwriter.

If you’re serious about turning your writing from a hobby into a real money-making business, then you’ll want to keep reading.

Books and courses can only take you so far on this journey.

If you want to save months of frustration, and start earning money quicker, you need to surround yourself with people who have gone before you.

In the mentorship, you’ll get 1:1 calls with me, daily support, unlimited writing feedback, and the exact strategies I used to quit my job and earn nearly half a million as a writer.

Reply to this email with “August” if you’re interested.

A little about me…

  • I started learning in January 2019

  • 45 days later, I landed my first client

  • 3 months after I started learning, I quit my job

  • I had my first $5,000 month 7 months after I started

  • I reached the six-figure mark in January 2020 (one year after I started)

What have I done as a writer?

  • Email: 

    I’ve generated $1 million in revenue for my email clients.

  • Blogs: 

    I’ve written over 1,000 SEO blog posts.

  • Social Media: 

    I monetized X (Twitter) in 2 months.

What writing has given me:

  • I quit my job

  • I retired my wife

  • I can work whenever I want

  • I get to work on projects I love

  • I fully provide for my family of 4

  • I get to spend time with my kids

  • I get to travel anywhere in the world

  • I’ve made nearly $500,000 from writing

  • I can work wherever I want (home, coffee shops)

And I never have to report to a demanding boss ever again.

I don’t say this to brag, but to show you what’s possible when you decide to take control of your life.

Here’s some results my mentorship students have gotten:

  • Chase landed his first client in 30 days (and quit his job 2 months later)

  • Tony landed his first client on day 26 (Email copy)

  • Dane landed his first client on day 31 (Website copy)

  • Davide landed his first client on day 16 (Facebook Ads)

  • Jason landed his first client on day 21 (LinkedIn ghostwriting)

Want to achieve similar results?

Or spend another year avoiding your dream life?

The choice is yours.

If you’re ready to live a life of freedom with writing, reply to this email with “August” and I’ll send you more information on my coaching program.

Only 3/4 spots left.


or to participate.