Copywriting Isn't For Everyone

There might be a different path...

I hear this from people every now and then online…

“Copywriting didn’t work for me.”

So, me, being an evangelist for the path that gave me a new life…

I have to inquire.

“Oh, what happened? Why didn’t it work?”

And I’ll usually hear a response like:

  • “It’s too saturated”

  • “AI is taking over anyways”

  • “Business owners aren’t interested in it”

All valid points.

…If they were true.

You know what I’ve noticed over the years about starting online businesses?

They take work.

A lot more work than you think.

And a lot more consistency than you think.

And the reason you think it’ll be as easy as snapping your fingers and VOILA, you’re making $20k/month in 30 days…?

You can thank sleazy online biz opp gurus who have THEIR best interests at heart…

Not yours.

So, is copywriting saturated?

It is 100% saturated… If you’re devoting less than an hour per day to your copywriting business.

Is AI taking over?

It is… if you’re not taking the time to learn the fundamentals and get GOOD at the craft.

Are business owners just not interested in paying thousands for copywriters anymore?

They’re not… If you don’t understand how to outreach effectively (spamming 100 copy-paste cold emails/DMs per day doesn’t cut it anymore).

I’ll give him this…

Copywriting isn’t for everyone.

Some people despise writing, the written word, and the thought of selling something.

And if you don’t enjoy this (at least a little bit), it’s going to be an uphill battle to stick with it to your first $1,000/month, $5,000/month, $10,000/month, and beyond.

But for the vast majority of people who try copywriting and start mumbling and grumbling about how “copywriting is dead” and “it doesn’t work anymore”…

The real reason they’re OUT isn’t because copywriting’s done.

As long as the 360 million+ business owners on earth want to make more money…

Two skills will never go extinct:

  1. Sales (verbal sales).

  2. Copywriting (sales in the written form).


Because selling is what grows businesses.

So what’s the real reason behind 99% of these excuses from “copy-try-ers”?

They didn’t treat this like a real business.

They treated it like a 5 min side hustle.

And that’s the problem with this TikTok generation (bye bye TikTok in America!)…

Most people don’t have the ability to commit even an hour a day to something (besides scrolling social platforms, playing video games, and overloading themselves on endless dopamine).

The real reason most copywriters don’t succeed isn’t because the path is harder or more saturated.

It’s never been EASIER to become a freelance copywriter than in 2025:

  • You have more access to incredible resources (free and paid)

  • You have more access to the internet through endless devices

  • You have more businesses who need help (yeah, that 360 million number is real, look it up)

And the 40+ new copywriters I’ve helped get their first client in 30 days?

They’re proof that this still works (if you do the right things daily).

Your biggest advantage to beat the competition as a copywriter?

Just sticking with it.

And it’s simple, you just have to spend time doing 3 things every day:

  • Writing

  • Outreaching

  • Studying the craft

99.99% of people can find 1 or 2 extra hours in their day (by waking up a bit earlier before work, on the way to work, at lunch breaks, after work, or in the evenings instead of binging Netflix).

That’s all you need to make this work.

Even if you screw up how you’re doing all 3 daily habits…

If you just DO THEM, you can’t lose.

Before you know it?

You’ll see that first payment hit your email inbox from a client.

You’ll hit your first $1,000 month.

You’ll hit your first $5,000 month.

You’ll be handing in your resignation to your boss.

You’ll be waking up that first Monday morning, knowing you have nowhere you have to be… but somewhere you get to be — whether at home, a coffee shop, or halfway around the world writing copy in that country you’ve always wanted to visit (but just never had the freedom to go to).

That’s the power of just staying on the copywriting path without getting distracted.

You’ve got 346 days left in 2025.

Go make them count.

-Brandon “copywriting is alive and well” Storey

P.S. Your CTA for today is to pick up a copywriting book off your shelf and dive in. I guarantee you’ll find at least ONE golden nugget that’ll help you write better copy this week.

And if you don’t have a copywriting book yet, go buy one for $20 — start with Adweek Copywriting Handbook [not an affiliate link].


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