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  • Avoid TikTok, Personal Brands, Ecom Like the Plague

Avoid TikTok, Personal Brands, Ecom Like the Plague

You're more likely to win with copywriting 99 times out of 100.

Last week, I launched a contest for one of my readers to win a FREE copy of Adweek Copywriting Handbook.

(The greatest copywriting book in my opinion).

And, after a ton of entries these past few days…

I’ve found a winner!

Well, I didn’t find a winner. The random contest winner generation tool did.

So, congratulations to Tumi!

I’ve contacted the winner to ship the book out to them.

Now, let’s talk copywriting.


Because it’s your best shot at acquiring digital freedom in 2024.

Most people are all googly-eyed (is that the right spelling lol?) over a few online business ideas:

  • Ecommerce

  • TikTok

  • "Personal brands”

But… all of these paths have one thing in common…

Compared to launching a freelance copywriting business?

They’re INCREDIBLY challenging.

TikTok is a traffic mechanism (and not exactly a great one at that considering the short term microwave mindset within the users).

People are sold on building a “personal brand” through Twitter or LinkedIn, but (like TikTok) a “personal brand” is simply a traffic generation strategy. You still need a product or service to make money (and too many people get wrapped up in the content hamster wheel, spending all their time creating content for months without making a dollar).

And, of course, there’s ecommerce. I’ve had my taste of ecommerce…

Both as someone who launched an ecom store, and as the lead email copywriter for multiple 7-figure ecom brands (generating $1 million in revenue in the process).

If you want to play the online business game on “hard mode”, then go try launching a profitable ecommerce business.

Ecom requires proficiency in multiple areas (and requires major time and money investments to take flight).

So why do people get wrapped up in these trends?

Because some dude sipping a coconut on the beach with laptop in hand started smooth-talking them through an Instagram ad telling them how easy it is to make $100,000 per month in the next 30-60 days…

Don’t fall for it.

Those 3 business models are common today, yet they’re the most difficult paths to take.

Don’t play the online game on “hard mode.”

You don’t have to. If you can make money quicker, and easier, and down a proven path…

Then why wouldn’t you?

Enter copywriting.

Now, is copy easy to master?

Not a chance.

But, is it an easier path than the other options?


There’s no other skill that is:

  • Easier to learn

  • Quicker to learn

  • More affordable to learn

  • And more sustainable long term

And, not to mention, it’s the only skill (besides sales) that allows you to truly get paid for the effort you put in.

If your copy performs well, the proof is right there in the conversions and the revenue you generated (so you get paid).

The reason it’s better than going down the face-to-face sales path is that copywriting scales while sales doesn’t.

To make money in sales, you need to sell people 1-on-1 over and over again. You can only reach so many people on any given day.

But, with copywriting, you can reach the masses.

You can wake up, roll out of bed, hop on your laptop, and bang out a quick email in 30-60 minutes…

That gets sent to 5,000, 100,000, or millions of people — and generates tens of thousands of dollars in the process.

That’s the power of copywriting.

And this isn’t just me sharing theories.

I’ve lived this.

I’ve written single emails that have brought in tens of thousands of dollars for business owners.

I’ve written automated email series’ that have generated over $100,000 for my clients.


They didn’t leave me high and dry after I got them results.

I got paid, too.

I’ve signed retainer deals as high as $8,400/month (that’s over six-figures a year from a single client).

Something I would have never dreamed of while working at my 9 to 5.

You see, I never even became a copywriter because I loved writing.

I just wanted freedom.

I was a mess before I dove into copy. Tired. Burnt out.

Puzzled at how I could never figure out this online business thing, no matter how many times I tried.

Exhausted and hopeless at times, watching all my friends from high school level up in their lives, make more money, and chase their dreams.

I was trapped.

Or, at least that’s the story I sold myself.

I wanted to change, but just didn’t know how.

  • I wanted to live life on my terms

  • Be my own boss

  • Travel the world

  • Retire my wife

  • Have time for my kids

And take back control of my happiness.

But… nothing changed for years.

Until I finally reached my breaking point.

When I finally said, “Enough’s enough” and went all in on a proven model in copywriting…

I finally found my freedom.

Guess what?

You can find yours too.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried different businesses before and failed.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve sat on the sidelines for too long.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a writing background.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the answers.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve struggled as a new copywriter for months and still aren’t sure about the path.

All that matters is you’re willing to make a change.

To do something different.

And go all in.

You’ve just gotta be willing to take that first step.

Ready to make a change?

Next month, I’m launching a flagship copywriting course.

After countless requests for a self-paced course, I’m finally releasing one for you.


I want to help more people.

The reality is some people can’t afford my 1:1 coaching for $1,500 USD.

Or even my group coaching for $600 USD.

But, most people who want help could afford a low-ticket course for a few hundred dollars.

So, I’m taking EVERYTHING I teach my coaching students (that’s landing the majority of them paid clients in under 30 days)…

And packaging it ALL up into a flexible freelance copywriting program.

If you’re interested, you can be the first to join my waitlist now by replying “waitlist” to this email.

I’m going to be releasing special bonuses only available for the first few people who purchase (so don’t miss it).

In the course, you’re going to learn everything you need to build a six-figure copywriting business. You’ll learn how to:

Write high-converting copy, find your niche, master a sales call, land clients, price your services, invoice, research, serve and overdeliver for clients, create case studies, scale your business, raise your rates, and more. And, it’ll be jam-packed with real examples and templates you can use to crush it as a brand new copywriter (and a bunch of juicy bonuses).

The goal of the course is to take you from knowing absolutely NOTHING about freelance copywriting all the way to becoming a seasoned copywriter who lands clients consistently (shaving 6-12 months off on the journey to $100,000/year).

-Brandon “Christmas is coming early for you” Storey

P.S. Reply with “waitlist” to join the waitlist. And, if you’re interested in pre-ordering the course to secure all earlybird bonuses (and discounts), let me know in your reply.


or to participate.