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  • 7 Ways To Earn Six Figures as a Copywriter

7 Ways To Earn Six Figures as a Copywriter

Try one, try all!

I’m a six-figure copywriter.

I’ve earned nearly $500,000 online.

New copywriters always ask me…

So what do you actually write to earn that kind of money?

So, in today’s newsletter, I figured I’d just show all seven ways I’ve done it so you can get some different ideas on the kinds of writing people are willing to pay thousands for.

Here are 7 ways I earn $300-400 in only 4 hours/day…

1. Email Copywriting

There’s a ton of money in email.

I landed my first big client 5 years ago.

We became friends in Thailand.

After giving him a free audit, he hired me.

I made $7,000 off 12 emails for a welcome sequence.

Then, I worked with him for years on a retainer.

2. SEO Blog Writing

Blog writing is the #1 most underrated way to make money with writing.

“Aren’t blogs dead?”

Is Google dead?

I started writing $10-$20 blog posts back in 2019.

Now, they earn me $300-$400 (in just a few hours) per day. Writing one per day earns me six figures per year.

3. Case Studies

This is social proof on steroids.

When a business wants to drive conversions with their content, they’ll show off:

  • Transformation stories

  • Testimonials

  • Results

A case study combines all three.

If you know how to write them, you can earn a ton.

4. Lead Magnets

Businesses don’t want writers.

They want money.

If you can:

  • Attract

  • Nurture

  • Convert

…WITH your writing… you’ll make money too.

Lead magnets (PDFs, courses, etc.) are a great way to turn followers into leads (and eventually customers).

5. My Niche Blog

I started a niche blog in 2022.

Since then, I’ve earned thousands with it.

I make “passive” income via display ads and affiliate marketing.

It’s not truly passive. I still put in the work.

But posts I made 2 years ago will earn me money every month.

6. Newsletter

I've made ~$38,000 from it since Feb.


  • 1:1 Copywriting mentorship

  • Affiliate income (recommended resources)

  • Sponsored ads (haven't tapped into this yet, but it's an option)

Newsletters take time to monetize but are a great long-term play.

7. Coaching

Once you’re successful, you can teach.

Copywriting is a $100,000+ skill, so people pay to learn.

In my 1st year, I invested $5k in my education (and it paid off quickly).

Now, I coach a few writers each month to help them kickstart their six-figure copy business.

Launching a freelance copywriting business can give you:

  • More time (work whenever)

  • More money (six figures or more)

  • Location independence (travel anywhere)


To get to $100,000/year, you need to know how to find the right clients.

And this is NOT easy by any means.

But today, you can crack the code.


I created a FREE six-figure blueprint showing you how to land high-ticket clients.

…Even if you’re brand new.

Discover the exact methods I use to find AND land clients who will pay you $1,000, $3,000, $7,000, and more every single month.

Want it?

Get the full video course completely FREE today (no need to enter your email).

-Brandon “so many ways to earn” Storey

P.S. My August group coaching program, The Six-Figure Copy Mastermind, is full now (all 6 seats were filled), but if you need any help in the meantime, just reply to this email and ask away!


or to participate.