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  • 5 Steps to Improve Your Copywriting in 2024

5 Steps to Improve Your Copywriting in 2024

And beat 95% of new copywriters.

Only 3/6 spots left in my upcoming “Six-Figure Copy Mastermind”.

Doors to the exclusive group coaching program close in a few days (we start next weekend).

Reply to this email with the word “mastermind" for more information.

Now, onto today’s lesson (which I’m really excited about)…

Over the past few years, I’ve earned nearly $500,000 with copywriting.

In January, 2019, my journey as a brand new copywriter began.

And I went all in:

  • Bought all the copywriting books and the courses

  • Devoted hours every day to writing copy

  • Meticulously studied the craft

Most people try to skip over the practice part.

But, the reality is?

No one’s going to hire you if your copywriting sucks.

You HAVE to be good.

And if you’re not good, you need to devote everything into getting good fast.

That is… If you’re serious about making $5-10k as a copywriter.

Here are 5 simple tips to get better at copywriting in 2024…

So you can land clients FAST.

1. Kill Your Idealism

Want to know the problem with 95% of new copywriters?

They’re lazy.

They think that if they write for 5-10 minutes a day and then spam 100 lifeless cold emails…

That they’re somehow going to be making $20,000/month in the next 30 days.

If you bought into that lie, then it’s time for a reality check.

You know most new copywriters fail, right?

Most give up before they even earn their first dollar.


Because they were sold a lie that this is easy.

It’s not easy.

It’s hard work.

You need to put in the hours every single day to get better.

You think Michael Jordan shot 10 free throws a day for practice then called it quits?

Not a chance.

He practiced like a nut job.

He was mental.

He’d be shooting hundreds every single day for hours.

And hours.

And hours.

Even as a pro, he’d be shooting hundreds after every single practice.

You want to win?

Then you need to adopt a winner’s mentality.

And a winner’s mentality is simple: work harder than everyone else.

If you want it bad enough, you’ll put in the work.

Thankfully, if you put in the work upfront, and grind now..

You can reap the rewards later.

You truly can build a copywriting business that generates you $5,000 to $10,000+ per month by writing for just 2-4 hours per day.

  • You can build a business that gives you a life of freedom

  • To have the free time to do what you love

  • To be able to travel the world

  • To make more money

  • And have autonomy

How do I know?

Because I did it.

I built a six-figure copywriting business that allows me to start work at 8 am, write a single email or blog post, and be done my writing by 12 pm.

But, it didn’t happen overnight.

Here’s what I did to get started:

2. Power Writing Sessions

In 2019, I was a baby copywriter.

Brand new, just like you.

I had no idea where to start, how to get better, or how to land clients.

But, I put in the work daily.

I understood one thing right away though…

The only way to get better is to put in the time.




So, I got my reps in.

It’s the same thing if you want to get jacked. 

If you want big arms, good luck trying to get there by doing 10 pushups per day.

If you’re serious, you’re going to be hitting the gym daily for at least an hour, crushing bicep curls and tricep extensions.

The same is true for writing.

If you’re a brand new copywriter, here’s the #1 daily habit you need to practice every single day…

(This is exactly what I did for the first 6 weeks till I landed my first client. And this was at 5-6 am before my 12-hour day job, so there are no excuses of “I don’t have time”):

Morning power writing sessions.

Here’s what you’re going to do:

1. Wake up early.

2. Open up Google Docs on your laptop.

3. Set a timer for 30-60 minutes.

4. Write until the timer ends.

No topic, no prompt, no hitting backspace, no stopping, no editing, no thinking about what you’re going to write.

Just free write. Like a journal or diary. Whatever thoughts pop into your head, write it down.

The result?

You’re going to be pumping out 500-2,000 words every single day.

And, you’re going to develop your writing muscle faster than anyone around you.

Your ability to write long-form copy will dramatically improve (mastering long form copy is essential to being a top 1% copywriter).

So, put in the work every day.

Just like I did.

3. Specialize & Learn Marketing

If I want business owners to pay me thousands of dollars, I have to make myself WORTH thousands of dollars to business owners.

How do you do that?

You solve business problems.

You see, one of the biggest challenges with new writers is they think being a good writer is enough to earn $100,000+ each year.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Power writing sessions and building up your general writing skill isn’t enough to get paid.

WRITING is the first building block you need to set up as a new copywriter.

You also need to learn another skill: marketing.

You see, business owners don’t wake up every day wishing they could have a writer on their team.

Do you want to know what they think about when they wake up every morning?

“How can I make more money and grow my business?”

Your main job is to solve THAT problem.

Thankfully, copywriting is one of the greatest ways you can do that… IF you learn the right way.

You see, you need to stop thinking like a generic, generalized copywriter. You’ll never stand out.

Instead, you need to solve business problems with your writing.

If you can solve one of these, you’ll get paid:

  • Attract attention

  • Nurture attention

  • Convert attention

Attracting attention could mean writing blog posts to generate traffic from Google (SEO).

Or it could mean ghostwriting social media posts on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

Nurturing attention could mean writing emails, sending SMS campaigns, or setting up community funnels.

Converting attention could mean writing sales pages, landing pages, Facebook ads, or product pages.

See what I’m getting at?

Start learning a specialized copywriting skill and LEAD with that skill when you pitch clients.

For example: a Facebook ad copywriter, SEO blog post writer, or Email marketer.

Your job isn’t to write things that sound nice.

Your job is to grow businesses.

Copywriting is just the vehicle you’ll use to accomplish that goal.

Figure that out and you’ll start getting paid.

4. Practice On Real Companies

Practicing sample copy, handwriting sales letters, and morning power writing sessions are a good way to level up as a writer.

But, eventually, you need to start practicing on real companies with real people and real products and services.

Start analyzing companies in your niche. Go write down everything you’d do to improve their copy.

Let’s say you’re an email copywriter. Sign up to their email list. Look at their welcome email.


Rewrite it.

Make it better.

Apply everything you’re learning from the copywriting books and courses.

Practicing on tangible companies will accelerate your copywriting development 10x faster than making up fake samples from your imagination.

5. Get Hired ASAP to Accelerate Your Skills

The fastest way to level up as a copywriter?

Get hired ASAP.

While practicing on real companies on your own time is a great way to upskill as a copywriter…

Nothing beats doing REAL work for a business owner.

“But, Brandon, how can I get hired if I suck at writing copy? I’m trying to get good so I’m able to get hired!”

Do free work. Do cheap work. Do work for your friends, family, and co-workers.

Go to local business owners.

Give free samples. Give free audits.

Go through every contact in your phone.

Post on your personal social media.

Do whatever it takes to start landing clients, whether it’s for FREE or DIRT CHEAP.

Nothing beats working on a real project for someone.

Even if you’re new, you can land clients fast (without a portfolio).

The easiest client to land is someone who already knows, likes, and trusts you.

After that, start sending people free samples of copy, give them free audits of their copy, and network like crazy.

I started with $15 blog posts on Fiverr. Not even enough money to take my wife out for a Big Mac meal at McDonald’s.

But, I didn’t care.

I knew that getting that work experience, that initial money, that portfolio piece, that testimonial, and that result was worth MILLIONS.

So, I humbled myself, put in the work, and got as many clients as I could as fast as I could.

One year later, I was a six-figure copywriter.

Put in the work, be willing to grind, and you’ll hit that exponential growth curve where you start earning thousands.


  • Kill Your Idealism

  • Do Morning Power Writing Sessions

  • Specialize & Learn Marketing

  • Practice on Real Companies

  • Get Hired ASAP

-Brandon “go all in” Storey

P.S. Only 3/6 spots left in my NEW group coaching program.

Doors close in a few days (we start next weekend).

Reply to this email with the word “mastermind" for more info.

If you want results like this…

Woke up to this beautiful DM from a coaching client this morning.

…Then here's a quick breakdown of my upcoming “Six-Figure Copy Mastermind”:

It's a one-month group coaching accelerator to kickstart your copywriting business:

• 1 hour group call each week with a lesson (and a bonus Q&A afterward to answer any questions)

• Daily mastermind support in group chat with me and the other students to answer questions, give feedback, share wins, etc.

• 3 Loom videos per person per week for writing feedback and optimizations

• My entire six-figure blueprint to fast-track your copywriting business to $5,000-$10,000 per month

I’m limiting it to 6 spots (three spots already filled).

And it's first come, first serve.

Reply to this email with the word “mastermind" now.

What makes my coaching program different from buying a random $700-$2,000+ copywriting course?

Two things:

1. Personalized Advice:

It’s not a cookie-cutter “program”.

Whether you’ve been writing for 6 months or you’ve never written a word of copy before, you get a proven six-figure roadmap customized to you, for your unique situation (no matter what level you’re at).

2. Writing Feedback:

Everyone who buys a course leaves wondering if their writing is improving. Why? Because nobody gives them feedback on their writing like a true mentor. Unlike cookie-cutter courses though, you’ll get copywriting feedback from me throughout the week (3 times/week).

Just submit your copy to me in a Google Docs and I'll send you a 5-10 minute Loom video back…

Breaking down your copy, telling you WHAT to improve, and WHY — so you accelerate your copywriting ability twice as fast as every other new copywriter.

Besides the calls with me, my coaching clients have found the writing feedback videos to be the most helpful. You’ll never send out a writing sample to a potential client without my eyes on it first, to improve your odds of landing them.

In my group coaching program, you’re not left hanging wondering what steps you should take.

I’ll be with you every step of the way, in the DMs daily, in weekly calls, keeping you accountable with a daily action plan, and giving you personalized writing feedback and lessons throughout the week.


And I’m throwing in a BONUS: 1-Hr One-On-One Call With Me ($250 value)…

…limited to the six writers who join during this August mastermind. But, once spots fill up, it’s off the table.

If you want to know more (and are interested in one of the 3 remaining seats)…

Reply to this email with the word “mastermind" now.


or to participate.