3 Signals You Found a $1,000+ Client

If they've got these traits, chances are you found a whale

Yesterday, YouTube subscriber Hyma asked…

“How do we target high quality prospects? How can we decide if they are a good fit? Maybe they have a course, emails, good followers - but do you think with these we can know they are the right fit to outreach?”

Hyma (from YouTube)

And you know what I think?

It’s one of the best questions she could have asked.

You NEED to know what kind of clients you’re targeting.


99.99% of Prospects Are a Terrible Fit

  • They don’t have the need

  • They don’t have the money

  • They don’t have a business

  • They’re not a decision-maker

  • They don’t know what copy is

This is one of the main reasons why mass emailing and cold DMing people is a BAD idea.

You’re not just spray-and-praying when you fire your shot (meaning you’re going to miss close to 100% of the shots you take).

You’re also aiming at the wrong target.

(It’s the exact opposite of a Sniper Bomb which is the system I teach my students that’s landing ~70% of them their first client in 30 days.)

High volume cold emails and cold DMs are terrible at finding high ticket clients.

You’re not targeted in any way (you have no sniper scope).

And when you do fire your shot it has no power (so it does absolutely nothing).

If you want to land the right clients (that’ll pay you $1,000+ per month over and over again like I’ve done over the years)...

You need to fix:

1. Who you’re outreaching to 

And then…

2. How you’re outreaching to them.

So, let’s talk about the who.

3 Signals You Need to Look for to Find a $1,000+ Client

Let’s get right into it:


Do they have at least a few thousand followers?

Followers aren’t everything, but they’re one signal that someone has traffic. And traffic is crucial to landing customers and clients.

2. Social proof

Do they have testimonials, reviews, case studies, and other forms of social proof?

Are there a lot? And are there recent ones?

3. Ads

Are they running ads? If they are, they clearly believe in marketing enough to invest in it. Which means your odds of getting paid go up.

If they don’t have ads, it’s not a deal-breaker. Some people don’t run ads and still generate $50,0000+ per month. But, it’s another sign of a potential $1,000+ per month client.

Brandon “time to snipe” Storey

P.S. These 3 signals are just a few of the main elements you want to look for when targeting high ticket clients (who are willing to drop $1,000-$8,000 per month on a copywriter).

At my upcoming Sniper Bomb Workshop (this Saturday, Jan 18), I’ll cover all of the other signals you need to look for when hunting down high-ticket prospects…

And exactly how to approach them to land them faster than 99% of new copywriters.


If you don’t target the right prospects, you’ll just be wasting every outreach.

But… get this right?

And you’ll know how to SNIPE the right prospect so you can land your first client in 30 days.

(Just like the majority of my copywriting students).

All earlybird tickets are now SOLD OUT.

Only 5 tickets left. Doors close in 4 days.


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