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  • Top 3 Beginner Copywriting Mistakes 2024

Top 3 Beginner Copywriting Mistakes 2024

Avoid them at all costs.

Hey friend! Welcome to Storey Time. If you were forwarded this email, add your email below to make sure you receive my next issue in your inbox.

I quit my job 5 years ago to write online.

Since then, I’ve written thousands of blog posts, emails, and tweets.

Want to know the biggest challenge I’ve noticed for new copywriters and ghostwriters?

School taught us to write the wrong way.


It’s causing writers to make a ton of mistakes in their digital writing (that’s preventing them from landing clients).

Here are 3 copywriting mistakes you need to avoid if you want to improve your writing (and build up a six-figure writing business):

1. Their Writing Isn’t Dumb Enough (Write Like a 5th Grader)

The average person reads at a fifth-grade level.

This means if you start writing the way school taught you to, you’ll lose people.


Because how we learned how to write academically in school. We were taught to write at a grade 10-12 level. The bigger and fancier our words, the better, right?

Well, that doesn’t work with copywriting, ghostwriting, or any other kind of digital writing.

The reason?

If you confuse, you lose.

You don’t want to sound fancy or smart.

You want to sound CLEAR and RELATABLE.

Simple copy is money-making copy.

Not sure what your grade level is?

Use the Hemingway App (free tool online). Copy and paste your writing into it. It’ll tell you your grade level.

In most cases, you’ll need:

  • Simple words

  • Shorter words

  • Shorter sentences

  • Shorter paragraphs

Simple is always better.

(Btw I plugged this newsletter into Hemingway and it said it’s Grade 2 level, so that’s a win).

2. They Don’t Follow Frameworks

New copywriters are clueless.

They have no idea how to sell, and often don’t know where to start.

Don’t worry, it’s normal to feel that way. I was the same when I first started.


Want to cure writer’s block when writing copy?

Use frameworks.

Here are my 3 favorites:

AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

PPPP – Promise, Picture, Proof, Push

PAS – Problem, Agitate Solution

If you find yourself scratching your head wondering where to start, simply use one of these frameworks as an outline to guide your writing.

I think PAS is the easiest overall. Introduce a problem, agitate it by diving into the emotions of that problem, then offer a solution.


3. They Don’t Write Conversationally

Want to know the biggest problem with “school writing”?

We were taught to write in the third person like robots.

Instead, you need to speak in the second person, like I’m doing with you right now.

What’s the “second person”?

It’s when you’re writing to ONE PERSON.

How do you know if you’re writing to one person?

When you’re using the words “you” and “your”.

Notice how I’m doing this with you right now?

How does it feel?

Pretty personal and conversational, right?

That’s how you want your copy to be.

You want people to feel like they’re talking directly to you.

It also helps you keep your focus on the reader – and what’s in it for them (WIIFM), one of the key principles of good copy.

By keeping the focus on the reader, you’ll keep them engaged all the way to your call to action, like I’m going to offer you now.

Ready to “wow” your next potential writing client and win them over?

Save this newsletter as a reference for when you write your next piece.

Remember to:

  • Write at a 5th grade level

  • Use copywriting frameworks

  • Write conversationally

These 3 simple tactics will help you get ahead of 90% of new copywriters to help you stand out in the sea of competition.

-Brandon “I made all these mistakes before” Storey

P.S. Want some extra help building your writing business?

Opening up my August mentorship soon.

I’m taking 4 writers under my wing who need a guiding hand to speed up their time to $5,000-$10,000 per month.

If you’re:

  • Tired of working for someone else in your 9 to 5

  • Not wanting to let another year pass you by

  • Struggling to figure out freelance writing

  • Unsure of what steps you should take

  • Frustrated with trying to land clients

  • Not confident in your writing

If you’re ready to finally make a change and build a business that gives you the life you want…

Then the one-month mentorship program might be right for you.

In the program, you get:

  • To steal the strategies of a six-figure writer (me)

  • 1:1 calls to fast-track you to $5,000-$10,000/month

  • Daily writing feedback and optimization tips to accelerate your growth

  • And more…

I’m only taking on 4 writers (and I don’t take on just anyone who applies).

Reply to this email with the word “August” if you want more information.

Reply to this email with “August” now if you want more information on the mentorship program.


or to participate.