25 Crucial Copywriting Laws

Learn them to sell like crazy.

Today, you’re going to learn 25 crucial copywriting laws.

Study these.

Save these.

Use these.

And I guarantee you’ll sell more with the written word:

1. Write for one person with one problem.

2. Always do in-depth research first.

3. Leverage formulas (i.e. PAS, AIDA, PPP).

4. Use open loops to keep people glued (Get two of the best FREE copy tools below).

5. Get ahead of 97% of writers by using numbers.

6. Add social proof (i.e. 500 happy customers, featured on Forbes, used by Bruce Lee).

7. Avoid complex words and jargon.

8. Don’t think about selling. Think about helping. It's the easiest way to sell more.

9. You can write about the features, just don't forget the benefits.

10. Your headline is your most important line of copy. Get it right.

11. Focus on desires: remove pain, make money, save time, get status, etc.

12. Find the #1 pain point (check competitor reviews, forums, Reddit for complaints).

13. Use storytelling as much as possible.

14. Don't forget to edit (but, let the copy marinate for a while first).

15. To edit, always read your copy out loud (after you’ve used Grammarly’s free tool).

16. Always use customer testimonials (They’ll sell your audience better than you can).

17. Use the word "you" more to personalize your copy.

18. Leverage the power of FREE whenever possible. It’s a juicy psychological trigger.

19. If you confuse, you lose.

20. Use your audience’s language in your writing (check testimonials).

21. Include urgency and scarcity (but give a real reason for it).

22. Ask questions to keep the reader engaged (and create micro-agreements).

23. Use a guarantee to reduce perceived risk.

24. Write at a 5th-grade level (try Hemingway App for free).

25. Always include a call to action (CTA).

-Brandon “I fought the law but the law won” Storey

P.S. My September 1:1 mentorship spots are all full.

But, if you still want some extra help getting to $5,000-$10,000/month…

Then you may be interested in my group coaching program, The “Six-Figure Copy Mastermind.”

…Here's a quick breakdown of what you’ll get out of it:

• 1 hour group call each week with a lesson (and a bonus Q&A afterward to answer any questions)

• Daily mastermind support in group chat with me and the other students to answer questions, give feedback, share wins, etc.

• 3 Loom videos per person per week for writing feedback and optimizations

• My entire six-figure blueprint to fast-track your copywriting business to $5,000-$10,000 per month

5 spots left.

And it's first come, first serve.

Reply to this email with the word “mastermind" now if you’re interested.

We start in one week.


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