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  • 1,000 Followers (in 47 Days): Publish to Win

1,000 Followers (in 47 Days): Publish to Win

How my first ebook fueled growth.

Hey friend! Welcome to Storey Time. If you’re new here, add your email below to make sure you receive my next issue in your inbox.

Two days ago, I had 750 followers on X.

This morning, I woke up to over 1,000 followers.

My follower count went up by 250+ in 2 days.


And… the reviews are coming in already.

And they’re just blowing me away.

The launch was nuts.

You might’ve seen my original post on X this weekend when I launched the free ebook/audiobook.

Here are the results (so far) on X:

(And, don’t worry. I’m just not here to share the success of the launch. There’s a key lesson here in this newsletter to help you get to full-time a a digital writer).

Here were the stats last time I checked:

Here’s a poorly taken photo of my followers before the launch (754):


Here’s another bad photo of my followers after the launch (1,014):

Over 250+ new followers in 2 days.

Crossed the 1k mark.

Something that seemed impossible when I started on X November 22.

I went from 11 to 1,014+ followers on X in 47 days.


My beehiiv newsletter subscribers just skyrocketed.

Well… relatively speaking.

I’m at about 250 now.

Don’t have a list in the 10,000s yet… 😂

I wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for your support in the launch.

Every like, comment, repost, DM, and encouraging word.

You have no idea how much it means to me.

Most of all, nothing makes me happier than seeing your life change for the better.

Because some people need to know what’s possible.

Even as a seasoned writer…

I didn’t know what to expect when hitting publish on this book.

But, to hear how it’s already making a difference…

To help you get your writing business to full-time…

It’s incredible.

This is why I started teaching:

To help people.

And be the person I needed when I first started in early 2019.

To give a helping hand.

Behind-the-scenes advice.

To get to full-time with your writing fast.

It’s hearing stories like this that fuel my mission even more.

And brought me and my wife to tears.

I read this out loud immediately to my wife when I saw it.

I could feel my eyes welling up.

My wife’s were too.

This, to me, makes it all worth it.

And reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing.

To help you make a life for yourself as a digital writer.

And get more freedom.

You might be thinking…

That’s great Brandon. You launched this thing and it panned out.

But, I’m a new writer. What does this have to do with me?

Don’t worry. I’ll get to the lesson now. :)

You want to know what’s crazy?

  • I’ve never written my own ebook before.

  • I’ve never launched an audiobook before.

  • I’ve never used Notion before (Where the ebook lives).

  • I’ve never launched a free (or paid) product on X before.

  • I’ve never created a YouTube video before (for the audiobook).

There were a lot of firsts for me this past week.

Despite being a digital writer for 5 years, a lot of stuff was brand new to me.

It was scary.

But, I went for it.

And, guess what? It worked.

I’m super happy with the launch.

But, even if it turned out to be a failure…

I learned a TON of new skills in the process to stack up as a digital writer.

Here’s the lesson for you:

You don’t need to be an expert writer to start publishing.

You become an expert writer by publishing.

One key reason I grew quickly as a writer (and started earning fast) was because I put my work out there on the internet.

The faster you start putting your work out there, the quicker you’ll master digital writing.

You don’t need to have several years under your belt (like I do).

You don’t need to have everything together to make it work online.

Just put yourself out there.

  • Start writing.

  • Start publishing.

  • Apply for that job.

  • Pitch that prospect.

  • Create your portfolio.

  • Write every single day.

  • Put your work out there.

And land that first client!

Don’t be the person who sits on the sidelines while everyone around you grows and builds their business.

Take action.

And stay consistent.

If you do this, you will succeed.

-Brandon “I launched my first Ebook and Audiobook” Storey

P.S. If you haven’t grabbed a copy of the Ebook/Audiobook yet…

You can get it for FREE here
(don’t need to enter your email).

My wife is super stoked to be a part of this project too.

She did the intro to my audiobook, so have a listen!

And start earning quickly from your writing.


or to participate.